Darton College Anyone?

U.S.A. Georgia


Hello! I am applying to darton nursing program in albany ga. Can anyone tell me what their average is on the HESI exam and what is the lowest GPA they have taken. Thanks.

Awww man how did u get a letter? Congrats!! So happy for u!

LOL! Thanks! I thought I probably wouldn't hear anything until tomorrow, but GOD moves in his own fashion! LOL!!!! Yesterday was a holiday so that's why it didn't get here then. My letter was dated November 9th. I'm excited and is a firm believer that prayer changes things and walking by faith is a must! I'm so excited about my journey! Pray girl! Your letter will probably hit your box tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you at school in January!!!!!:nurse:

LOL! Thanks! I thought I probably wouldn't hear anything until tomorrow, but GOD moves in his own fashion! LOL!!!! Yesterday was a holiday so that's why it didn't get here then. My letter was dated November 9th. I'm excited and is a firm believer that prayer changes things and walking by faith is a must! I'm so excited about my journey! Pray girl! Your letter will probably hit your box tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you at school in January!!!!!:nurse:

CONGRATS ON YOUR ACCEPTANCE!!!! I hope to see ya in the summmer!!!

LOL! Thanks! I thought I probably wouldn't hear anything until tomorrow, but GOD moves in his own fashion! LOL!!!! Yesterday was a holiday so that's why it didn't get here then. My letter was dated November 9th. I'm excited and is a firm believer that prayer changes things and walking by faith is a must! I'm so excited about my journey! Pray girl! Your letter will probably hit your box tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you at school in January!!!!!:nurse:

I am praying! Fingers crossed and everything lol. Please pray for me! I thought maybe I would get a letter today. This is stressing me out. What all did u get from darton? Just a acceptance letter?

I am praying! Fingers crossed and everything lol. Please pray for me! I thought maybe I would get a letter today. This is stressing me out. What all did u get from darton? Just a acceptance letter?

It had my information about what to bring to the first day of class and an orientation schedule. It also had a calendar of what would be due and when our labs are. The envelope was pretty thick and it had a good bit of information inside. I'm praying for you! You'll have your letter today. I think they went out in the early part of the week, but with the holiday and all everything is a day behind. ;)

CONGRATS ON YOUR ACCEPTANCE!!!! I hope to see ya in the summmer!!!

Thank you!!!! I hope to see you this summer as well!!!!!

Did it say how much the tuition would be?

What classes do u take the first semster? Fundamentals of nursing and pharmocology rite?

LOL! Thanks! I thought I probably wouldn't hear anything until tomorrow, but GOD moves in his own fashion! LOL!!!! Yesterday was a holiday so that's why it didn't get here then. My letter was dated November 9th. I'm excited and is a firm believer that prayer changes things and walking by faith is a must! I'm so excited about my journey! Pray girl! Your letter will probably hit your box tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you at school in January!!!!!:nurse:

Im happy for you congrats, I got my denial letter the other day. I knew what it was beause it was just one thin paper. I was crying at first but I'm not the type that sulks, the bright side is I can go head and knock micro and p.e. out the way so if I do get accepted summer all I have is nursing courses. LESS STRESS

I got my acceptance letter today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Congrats now tell me what city do you live in, I live in Decatur GA near Atlanta so Im praying my letter will be here Monday.

Congrats now tell me what city do you live in, I live in Decatur GA near Atlanta so Im praying my letter will be here Monday.

I'm about 5 minutes from Decatur, so you and I are really close. Are you in Downtown Decatur or like Candler Rd Glenwood Rd. Decatur?

What classes do u take the first semster? Fundamentals of nursing and pharmocology rite?

You're right. First semester in Fundamentals and Pharmacology. That's all that I have to take because I knocked all of my pre-reqs out before hand. The tuition is the same for school. There are some lab fees, but they come out of my loans and grants. I would probably expect that my total out of pocket expenses would be in the range of about 200.00 or so if those fees can't be applied to my financial aid.

Im happy for you congrats, I got my denial letter the other day. I knew what it was beause it was just one thin paper. I was crying at first but I'm not the type that sulks, the bright side is I can go head and knock micro and p.e. out the way so if I do get accepted summer all I have is nursing courses. LESS STRESS

I agree that's the best way to go! Just take all of your pre-reqs first and that way you can focus all of your time and energy to the program because I hear that it's difficult. The less energy that you have to spend on other classes not necessarily pertaining to nursing the more you have to focus on the task at hand. I have no doubt that you'll have your space in the program this summer and I look forward to seeing you soon! I wish you the best of luck and I'm sending you and your little one many blessings on your journey! All things happen for a reason and you stike me as a very stong and determined person (like myself) you'll do fine! See you in the program future RN!:nurse:

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