my D.O.N. frightens me

Nurses LPN/LVN


Specializes in LPN.

I do a good job, and don't have anything to fear. But, when I see the D.O.N. walk in the building, I feel afraid. I wonder, What does she think I did wrong? Will I be fired today? Lately there has been a lot of people getting warnings for little things, and I suppose big things as well. I have tried always to do my best, but just the thought of her frightens me. It always feels like she is looking down her nose at me. I suppose she can sense my unease. Do any of you feel like I do?

could your unease be due to a lack of security in your position? I found that getting more education eased my anxiety because I knew then I was able to get a job just about anywhere. Self-confidence came easier for me after I got my RN and BSN. I now work with a nursing director who has a smart-aleck attitude. I ignore her as much as possible. I know that if the worst should happen and I feel compelled to leave, or am told to leave, that I can get work down the street next day!

I've never had a DON so I've never felt uneasy around DONs so I don't know about them. But, I have felt very uneasy around a boss who watched like a real hawk and was really pushy, in your face, and needy for emotional attention.

I don't know. I felt so anxious before but now that think back upon it, maybe it wasn;t that I was a really bad emplyoee for being uneasy and scared, maybe my boss was a really bad boss for making her employees feel so uneasy and scared. As a boss, you should make your employees feel comfortable for coming to you with problems/advice, rihgt? And, your job is not to indimidate people and scare them, but to help them imporove their quality of work to optimanl standards, right? And, how can people improve when their boss is trying to scare them? I don't know, so maybe you should try to relax and think to yourself that you have no reason to be scared and if your DON does scare you or does intimidate you, that is her weakness and not yours because she is really supposed to be there to help you to do a better job, not scare you into thinking you'll lose your job.

Again, I don't know how the DON system works, though. Anyone have any thoughts to my advice?

Specializes in LPN.

Thanks for your replies. I do think it is a mixture of what you both have said.

They are fazing out the LPNs for RNs in my facility. I actually love my job, and know even if everything goes perfectly, I probably won't have this job in a couple of years. No job security.

So, in thinking about this generalized anxiety I am feeling, I decieded to not sit back, but let it motivate me. I applied for the ASN program at Chancellor which will led me to Excelsior. I hope in a couple of years to be an RN.

I read once, if you feel anxiety, the next question you should ask yourself is, What's next. Do I sit paralized or use it to motivate toward action.

While going back to school isn't my only option, it is the best one for me.

I think all D.O.Ns portray themselves as being tough skinned, its to keep us all in our place. She/He demands respect and will see that they get it. Don't be discouraged, just think of them as instructors- that is how I deal with my authority figures.

Well, the last year or so I feel like I'm walking on eggshells at my job! I have been an LPN there for over 30 years, I have taken on many different positions with lots of responsiblities. Acting care coordinator on many different occations. The past 5 years I helped start up our new rehab unit. It is very fast paced and oh so stressfull! It is the money maker for the facility, so it is looked at by the DON with a magnifying glass. I feel as though I do a great job! I am a hard worker and devoted. I take many of my patients problems to bed with me, if you know what I mean!? I get nothing but flack from my DON for doing things I have ALWAYS done. She has writen me up for working " outside of the scope of my licence". To be specific, I had a resident that was admitted over the weekend I was off, who had difficulty swallowing. We spoke and he agreed to try a pureed diet. I ordered it, he ate it, did well and said to give it to him for lunch. I ordered it, the DON came up because the dietary dept notified her that a residents diet was changed and they wanted to make sure it was right! I hadn't had ime to speak with the Dr as of that time. ( He would have agreed to anything I said, HE trusts my judgement). She wrote me up. She said I should have contacted the ADNS to assess him! It's all crazy, makes me want to leave a profession that I truly love and believe I have a gift for! Any of you getting the same type of treatment?:uhoh3:

I do a good job, and don't have anything to fear. But, when I see the D.O.N. walk in the building, I feel afraid. I wonder, What does she think I did wrong? Will I be fired today? Lately there has been a lot of people getting warnings for little things, and I suppose big things as well. I have tried always to do my best, but just the thought of her frightens me. It always feels like she is looking down her nose at me. I suppose she can sense my unease. Do any of you feel like I do?

I've run into the same type of thing. A new RN fresh out of school is supposedly better at assessing pts than we are with 30 plus years. Go figure! Not a thing we can do about it except return to shcool. It's the paper they want (degree) not the knowledge. Sad and such a huge waste of money.

Well, the last year or so I feel like I'm walking on eggshells at my job! I have been an LPN there for over 30 years, I have taken on many different positions with lots of responsiblities. Acting care coordinator on many different occations. The past 5 years I helped start up our new rehab unit. It is very fast paced and oh so stressfull! It is the money maker for the facility, so it is looked at by the DON with a magnifying glass. I feel as though I do a great job! I am a hard worker and devoted. I take many of my patients problems to bed with me, if you know what I mean!? I get nothing but flack from my DON for doing things I have ALWAYS done. She has writen me up for working " outside of the scope of my licence". To be specific, I had a resident that was admitted over the weekend I was off, who had difficulty swallowing. We spoke and he agreed to try a pureed diet. I ordered it, he ate it, did well and said to give it to him for lunch. I ordered it, the DON came up because the dietary dept notified her that a residents diet was changed and they wanted to make sure it was right! I hadn't had ime to speak with the Dr as of that time. ( He would have agreed to anything I said, HE trusts my judgement). She wrote me up. She said I should have contacted the ADNS to assess him! It's all crazy, makes me want to leave a profession that I truly love and believe I have a gift for! Any of you getting the same type of treatment?:uhoh3:

It's not that they want "the paper/degree not the knowledge" it's that they want their butts to be covered. If nurses are practicing outside of their official scope, it leaves the facility (and the nurse) vulnerable.

It's scope of practice, not knowledge, that is the issue at debbiemig's facility, IMO.

I do not think that there are very many people in the world who consider RNs a "huge waste of money."

Specializes in Telemetry, Case Management.

However, I don't think it IS outside the scope of practice for an LPN to DOWNgrade a pt's diet,even temporarily. And to be written up for THAT is just stupid. What happened to nursing judgement? If I can't give a pt a lesser diet for their own safety/health for even one meal without getting a write up, why do we exist? Just get MDs in there to run the floor and be done with it.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Karo - I would be concerned about downgrading a patient's diet w/o a swallow or speech therapy eval or at the very least some type of medical eval to determine why the deterioration occurred.

"It's the paper they want (degree) not the knowledge. Sad and such a huge waste of money."

Additional education is never a waste of money. I too was an LPN and although I currently do not work with LPNs - I have a lot of respect for ALL nurses.

Next time you see your DON comming picture her naked with saggy boobs down to her waist.. you couldn't help but grin a little :) She's only human..just like seems like people can sense fear and some play on that..if you have a problem or question confront her first with confidence and in a respectful way..maybe her attitude will change..maybe it won't..only YOU have control of how you react.

Karo - I would be concerned about downgrading a patient's diet w/o a swallow or speech therapy eval or at the very least some type of medical eval to determine why the deterioration occurred.

"It's the paper they want (degree) not the knowledge. Sad and such a huge waste of money."

Additional education is never a waste of money. I too was an LPN and although I currently do not work with LPNs - I have a lot of respect for ALL nurses.

I was not making an RN vs LPN comment. However, RNs can and do, make changes to pts diet. LPNs, if their facility has enough respect for them can also, however, it was fairly evident to me that in this instance, the DON did not want the LPN to make a nursing judgement. This DON wanted it to be at least an RN (a degree), maybe even the MD (also a degree), to make that change.

I agree a speech therepy evaluation would be great but that can take several weeks to arange in a long term care facility. It was resonable and prudent for the LPN to change this pts diet at that time to ensure adequate nutrition is maintained while waiting for the MD order and/or evaluation. Utilizing her knowledge is what she is there for and it wsa not practicing outside her scope in any state. Maybe the DON should reread the practice acts for her state.

Edit note....

I did not mean education is a waste of money. Underutilizing LPNs is a waste of money. I have degrees and certifications of all kinds. Nursing is my 1st choice of all the things I do and now that my kids are grown I will return to get an ADN (I'm 50 now and see no reason at this point in time to go any further. I want to retire at some opint and their are other things I still want to study outside of nursing.)

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