Alright so maybe this is a sign of burnout but most of us (not all of us) in my ED curse (sometimes loudly) while on the job. Usually its related to frustration. We were so incredibly busy yesterday and all of us were getting our butts handed to us. The call light was binging and the usually missing clerk was not there to answer it so I stormed over, snatched up the phone, and cheerfully (fake cheerfulness of course) yelled "Hi! Can I help you!!!?!?!?!" It was a "problem" patient who had their tv on full blast so I of course couldn't hear anything they were saying so I yelled "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE TELEVISION..." and slammed the phone down. Then I proceeded to curse. Is this normal? I feel like I have anger management problems. I'm never rude to the patient's face, but I do this passive aggressive stuff and I'm not sure that it's healthy. It's also dangerous because it only takes once to do it in front of the wrong person and you're outta there. Anyone else have issues like this???