CSUF EL-MSN Fall 2009 Applicants

Nursing Students Post Graduate


are there any fall 2009 applicants out there?

For those of you who got an interview...Did any of you guys have volunteer work or experience in a hospital/healthcare setting???

Specializes in anesthesia, nursing labor research, philosophy.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but in my interview group almost everyone had some kind of health related work or volunteer experience.

Well, it IS frustrating, but at least you still haven't been rejected. It IS possible that they might have more interviews, right?

Good luck everyone!!

It would be great if they invited a second batch of people for an interview. But I'm not sure if I'm totally ecstatic about that because even if the rest of us do get an invitation (and hopefully the rest of us do), does that just put us at the bottom of the barrel for being "second choice" and at a disadvantage compared to the others who have already been interviewed? I want to believe that they are just simply backed up, but them just MIGHT wanting to send out another batch of invitations doesnt make them sound like theyre just simply "backed up". It sounds like they might just not be satisfied with settling with their current pool of interviewees, or maybe some of their interviewees simply didnt show up. And why would they want to interview even more people if they are only accepting 35 students this time around? How many students did they interview already anyway? I know I'm over analyzing, but I'm just trying to make something out of my situation so I know whether or not to just prepare for the worst :uhoh21:

Specializes in anesthesia, nursing labor research, philosophy.
How many students did they interview already anyway?

My understanding is that they interviewed around 72 students last week. They had two groups of around 36. In my group (the afternoon), there was probably one or two people that didn't show. I have no idea about the morning session. My guess is that they were interviewing twice the number of people they are accepting, as they have done in past years (I think they interviewed around 140 people last year for 60-70 spots). But it's just conjecture.

Hope it helps.

My understanding is that they interviewed around 72 students last week. They had two groups of around 36. In my group (the afternoon), there was probably one or two people that didn't show. I have no idea about the morning session. My guess is that they were interviewing twice the number of people they are accepting, as they have done in past years (I think they interviewed around 140 people last year for 60-70 spots). But it's just conjecture.

Hope it helps.

Thank you jm, that actually helps a lot. So I guess the idea is to interview around double the amount theyre accepting. That probably means if they do send out another batch of invitations, I highly doubt it will be another 72 people. It should be a lot less than that, if they do send out another batch at all. They're probably just trying to be on the safe side just in case more people have to give up their seat than expected. At least now I have a better idea of where I stand, although not really a favorable one LOL. It's lookin like Western's my only hope now

Specializes in ICU.

I really think the whole budget cut thing threw them off...some people that I talked to who had an interview said it seemed like they were a bit unorganized. I have feeling they weren't expecting their program to be cut down by half and now they really have no idea what to do!

Specializes in anesthesia, nursing labor research, philosophy.
I really think the whole budget cut thing threw them off...some people that I talked to who had an interview said it seemed like they were a bit unorganized. I have feeling they weren't expecting their program to be cut down by half and now they really have no idea what to do!

Yeah, I had the same feeling. We'll just have to wait and see what happens I guess...

Specializes in anesthesia, nursing labor research, philosophy.

Check your email, everyone. I received an invitation to interview. I don't understand! It seemed like it wasn't going to happen.

Specializes in anesthesia, nursing labor research, philosophy.

Congrats! I hope that means they're going to end up taking more students. When's your interview? Tell us what they tell you guys when you go in!

Thanks, jm394. The interview is on April 8. I'll let you know what they say.

Did anyone else on here get an interview on April 8th?

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