croc type shoes?

Nurses Uniform/Gear


what do you think of wearing the croc brand type of shoe to work at a hospital as a NA? Do you wear them? Are they comfy and keep your feet "safe" from spills and things like that? i thought about buying a pair but the open back and holes in them freak me out i feel like there wont be much support for my ankle/back of my foot and for some reason the whole having holes through my shoe weirds me out when i would be taking people to the bathroom and giving baths and stuff. I am new to this being only 19 and still in RN school and new to working as a NA so if you have any sugestions about them id love to hear them =)

Wouldn't catch me in them. Especially because of the holes in them. all kinds of "lovely" bodily fluids can get in those holes..none of which i want soaking into my sock and touching MY skin...

thanks haha thats exactly why i am not a fan of wearing them, the holes in the scare me i feel like i would be walking around kind of like scared because i wouldnt want anything dripping on me

I won't wear them as an LPN, I do help with toileting etc but not as much as a CNA does, much more chance of having a nasty-nasty getting through those holes.

I'll add this, one evening while drawing up some insulin, a resident banged into me and it made me lose my grip on the flew up in the air and bounced off my shoe..I had a croc type shoe on with NO holes..but that thin rubber/plastic (whatever material it is) material. The syrine ended up sharp point down and sticking right into the shoe..luckily it didn't go through to my skin and it was a clean needle..but the thought of having a dirty needle do the same thing in crocs *with or without holes* made me rethink wearing those shoes any more.

oh gezz ya that is for sure a good reason not to wear them i didnt even think about that but that is on my mind now too even though i wont be dealing with needles and stuff like that until i finish RN school i dont even want to chance anything like that happening....I really dont see the point in wear thoes shoes in a hospital, nursinghome setting or anywhere like that theres too much of a chance of getting something in them you dont want to

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

They have Crocs without the holes in them...called the Specialist style. You don't have to worry about having nasty things fall through those holes! :eek:

I had them for a long time and I loved them. Then of course I found my love for Danskos lol

Lov my Dansko's too Mel :)

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

Loveeeeeeeee my crocs. Specialist is the non hole one & has a closed back.

I hear so much about danskos. When I'm not broke I'll have to get a pair lol

One of the new Crocs styles, the Mercy, has no holes, a higher back, and a non slip sole. They also have more arch support than the regular crocs and also more than the Specialists, which I had previously. Love them!

Specializes in Med./Surg., Diabetes, Med. ICU, home hea.

I wore Crocs for a while, I found they didn't slip on urine wet linoleum... *yuck*

Specializes in ICU / CVICU.

HI I wear the crocs specialist work shoes they have no holes in the amd they are anti static and also have a slight raised lip at the back to keep your foot in place. You wouldn't catch me wearing anything else to work!!!

Specializes in Student.

There is another professional brand called "Krocks" that are wonderfull, plenty of suport, last forever,

removeable insole, mid-range price wise. THe black ones sstay nice looking thill they wear out,

Now "Crocs" that's another story. For weeks I had this vague back ache, when I finally put it together

it was always the day after I wore crocs, and walked alot. Only happens with the Crocs. They are fine for

short periods at home, no more than that for me.

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