Critical Care Trauma Nurse Parkland

U.S.A. Texas


Hey there, I posted this under graduate nurses but maybe I'll have more luck here!

I'm just wondering if anyone has interviewed for this program and is awaiting the phone call or email from them with the results this week?? I'm going out of my mind staring at my phone waiting for a call.... I kind of want to call them Friday if they haven't called by then (wish I could do it today!!) Let me know if anyone else is in the same boat or have already heard from them

Does anyone know how many people they are interviewing for ER?

probably 80 or more, they usually don't narrow it down too much for the initial interview.

Yeah that sounds like the residency. Wish I would have gotten an invite for that one as well though just for some backup in case the cctn program doesn't come through. Maybe they're in cohoots and that's a good sign? lol so much speculation- just want to KNOW already! Good luck to you and congrats!!

Did any of the people that interviewed for the Internship get a Residency interview email? I interviewed for the CC internship and didn't get the email. During my interview when they were discussing the difference between the internship and residences they mentioned how most people interview for both and many that don't get selected for the internship end up being residents.

Hey guys! Tomorrow starts the first week of April! I hope they start calling tomorrow so we can all find out! Best wishes! And let us know if/when you hear something! :)

I'm DYING!!!! lol I keep staring at my phone and my heart starts racing and I'm like maybe I'm having ESP and they're about to call.........haha I'm driving myself nuts.

I emailed Capria on 3/31. she said the decision will be made early "next week" which i'm assuming is either Tues or Weds, 4/5 or 4/6.

Awesome thanks for the info!

So not today. Maybe tomorrow?

I sincerely hope so :( And I hope I don't go even more insane seeing as I'm working at the prison tomorrow from 11-6 and cannot bring my phone inside!

we're all on the same boat. I check my email once every hour in the past 3 days. Btw Capria mentioned at the interview that she will contact qualified individuals by phone as well as by email.

so did she tell you how many they are going to pick?

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