What is the easiest CRRT machine to use?

Specialties Critical


Specializes in Cardiovascular critical care, research.

Hi all! I am currently looking for reviews from critical care bedside nurses on which CRRT machine they use and if they like it. We are currentl using the Nx Stage machine and are finding it to be extremely challenging, even for my best nurses. It is not intuitive at all and is very frustrating to use. I want to find the machine out there that is easiest to use. We are all busy and shouldn't have to be forced to work with a machine that makes life harder!

Thank you!

I love you, you awesome nerds! :yeah::nurse:

gina (Massachusetts)

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

We use the PrismaFlex- and I learned it in a couple hours.

Specializes in ICU.

I actually like NxStage. Maybe it's just because it's what I'm used to.

I also use the PrismaFlex and like it.

We use the Fresenius 4008 and 5008. It's nurse proof and really easy to use.. just have to remember it primes backwards unlike the Aquarius which we also use. I do have to say I prefer the Fresenius on ecmo to the aquarius. The problem is the size of it. When you have ecmo, nitric, a balloon pump, dialysis as well as a VAD all going on at once it gets a bit crowded in the bays

Specializes in Critical Care.

We have PrismaFlex. It's amazing and pretty much runs itself once set up.

Specializes in CVICU.

I love the prismaflex. Everything is color coded and the machine has step by step instructions with color coded illustration for set up and any alarm troubleshooting.

Specializes in ICU.

Prismaflex here too.

our unit uses NxStage. it can be frustrating

Specializes in MICU.

Gambro prismaflex here too. They're user friendly and the reps I've met are very knowledgable about the machine and crrt therapy. They teach the training and refresher courses for us. I've met and taken training from other product reps and they are not always that knowledgable about their product as far as real world use.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Question for the PrismaFlex users: when you're running it, have you noticed it creates so much interference on your continuous cardiac monitors that's it's impossible to read one or two leads?

Prismaflex ! It's idiot (me) proof, everything is explained both in text and little drawings, it guides you along every bit of the procedure, and everything is color coded.

And no, I haven't noticed that it interferes with cardiac monitors... how so ?

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