Published Feb 19, 2015
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I have three more credits to earn before I officially fulfill the requirements for the BSN degree. My final two courses are the community health practicum (2 credits) and the portfolio (1 credit).
I submitted the written narrative of the community health practicum yesterday afternoon. My position was number 140 at the time of submission. This morning my position had dropped to number 117. At this rate my assignment probably will not be graded until tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Ugh!
The wait will be worth it if it meets requirements. :)
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
I am A) very happy for you and B) jealous that this whole 'place-in-the-queue' business was not available when I was a student!
klone, MSN, RN
14,856 Posts
Don't be jealous. I didn't used to be a taskstream stalker until that queue nonsense started. Now it's just crazy-making!
777RN, BSN, RN
295 Posts
That's wonderful! Congratulations! :)
My daughter is a WGU Business student, and has only ever known the where are you in the queue system. She considers the 'old' system barbaric! :)
I just logged onto TaskStream. My position has dropped in the queue to number 82. At the pace they're grading, I expect no results until Saturday (ugh!).
A few minutes ago I woke up (I work night shift) and logged onto TaskSream out of curiosity. My position in the queue has dropped to number 58.
It's been approximately 48 hours since I submitted the paper. Judging by the lack of speed at which the graders are moving, it will not be graded until tomorrow afternoon. This is the absolute longest it has taken to get something graded!
983 Posts
Ughhhh I know your pain. I am waiting on my portfolio. If it passes I am finished. I am submitted 48 hours ago and have gone from 144 down to 68 in the queue.
Are you going to do the masters program?
Ughhhh I know your pain. I am waiting on my portfolio. If it passes I am finished.
Wow that's a great price!!
151 Posts
Good luck! I am waiting for C229 to be graded and it's going down super slow. Then I have Leadership and Portfolio and I am done, can't wait!!
I am waiting for C229 to be graded and it's going down super slow.
Then I have Leadership and Portfolio and I am done, can't wait!!