CPR in school

Specialties School


Can anyone help I am trying to find the CPR in school Kit for a better price currently the only place that I found it was with School Heatlh for 649.00 for a total after shippping 699.00.

I am a school nurse for a private Catholic school so funding is limited.

If anyone has any ideas of grants that are out there or a cheaper price I am all ears!!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Emergency Room, School Nurse.

it is part of my contract that I be a CPR instructor.

Specializes in Emergency.

Check with your local fire department, many cities provide free CPR classes to citizens and organizations within the city limits. Perhaps a CPR day could be scheduled with your students. Making this an annual event could be great for everyone.

Specializes in NCSN.

I'm a certified instructor of two different CPR branches (AHA and Red cross) and I really do like teaching. In my previous position (non school nurse) we would work with the local fire department and pay $100 for 4 hours of instruction for a class of 15. It does add up quickly, but I feel like being properly trained is important. I am sure you will do a great job but if you leave and they hire someone who isn't as excited about the idea of teaching, they may not do a good job.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

My third year at a private. I, too, was all about cost containment, with my entire budget being $315/ year for SNAP. This year I see close to a year's salary for a teacher being spent on speakers and frivolous stuff. I will ask for that defibrillator instead of carrying ours in every day and ask for a true narc cabinet. Private schools can hide behind budget, but that only goes so far. Teachers wouldn't hesitate asking for an expensive teaching adjunct, and these fall into that category. They will also have longevity, this is a one time expenditure. Maybe you could send out a fundraising letter stating need to local businesses and doctor's offices focusing on the benefits of trained students on the streets. That being said, you may call around to fire houses and see if they have any older mannequins they are willing to donate or sell at a very reduced cost.

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

I haven't read previous posts.

Two years ago our district taught hands only CPR to every student 3rd grade and above. There is a video made by the "But did you die" guy from the Hangover movie and our local EMS let us use the "mannequins" they had. These weren't the big mannequins that you are normally trained with, they were smaller and blow-up but they had a TON of them. Maybe look into those options? The AHA has a hands only CPR course.

I wouldn't invest too much into the older mannequins - do some research before spending the money - I think effective Jan 2019 all the mannequins used for training with AHA will need to have the electronic sensors - quite an expense in my opinion. All the campus'(60+) in our district pretty much have their own set equipment to teach and now we will need to work on purchasing all new stuff - such a waste of money.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Emergency Room, School Nurse.

MrNurse(x2) I too have a budget of 300 which I am already way over. they didn't have a nurse on site for almost 10 or more years so with that being said I needed to ensure that we had everything in the clinic that would be needed not to mention some of the stuff that was already in the clinic was expired well past its date and time (packaging was yellow it was so old). that with the cost of the instructors course I went over budget.

The last person here was certified with the red cross so we do have the training materials here for that. I was doing some research regarding the AHA in School training Kit and it seems that back in 2015 they were giving them out for free to schools that qualified. I am trying to see if they are offering that again.

I have already talked to the business manager regarding the mannequins and the need for new ones and they are not really wanting to purchase new ones.

The good thing I found with the kit is that once its purchased anyone can teach it, it doesn't have to be a certified instructor. Since it is just general knowledge not an in-depth class for certification.

I am going to talk to the principle some more regarding the pros with obtaining this kit and hoping that it would get approved to me that would be a cost saver for them and its a win win solution as they won't have to spend the money from year to year to teach the students since it is a requirement

Specializes in Med/Surg, Emergency Room, School Nurse.

Well I got the approval for the kit, I pitched it to the principle who loves the idea of the kit and the fact that the teachers can teach it as well!

The only pitfall was that I can't purchase it till next year since I am already over budget for this school year.

Thank you all for the good advise and your thoughts!!

Lets keeping pushing forward!!

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