COT/Stationing Assignments from November Boards!!!!

Specialties Government


Hey everyone! When you find out when you're going to COT and where you get stationed, let everyone know!

I just found out today! I'm going to COT in January, and got stationed at Travis, which was my second choice! I'll also be doing NTP in Scottsdale, AZ, only 2 hours away from where I live - which is really really convenient!

Good luck to everyone! If you haven't heard today, I'm guessing you'll hear by Monday or Tuesday... if you're an NTP candidate, at least. I think maybe people with experience are going to hear later than us, according to some other posts I've read?

To Ladyviola...So where is your NTP site going to be? I am trying to get an assignment at this time...23 Aug COT...but the whole joint spouse thing isn't working out for us.

Specializes in Med/Surg, PCU, Geriatrics, Family Practi.
To Ladyviola...So where is your NTP site going to be? I am trying to get an assignment at this time...23 Aug COT...but the whole joint spouse thing isn't working out for us.

Hey Fraz605 - I'm an experienced RN so I will not be going to NTP but straight to my duty assignment. I'm sorry to hear about your joint spouse issues. Are you both RN's looking for the same duty station?

Thank you Everyone for your words of encouragement and advice! I'm still a little nervous because I have never really been the most 'outdoorsy' type of person. Actually its been a loooooong while since I've even had a tan! lol I'm from an area which is only about an hour outside of Pittsburgh, PA. I do like snow and the cold doesn't scare me at all. Its actually been said that there are times where it is colder here than it is there. I've never been a 'tropical' person. The thing that scares me the most is the fact that I'll be so far away from my family. My mom about blew a gasket when she found out about it and actually started crying because she won't be able to come and see me. She and I are very close. I am the youngest of 3 and the only girl. (and the only one going military) My other family members and friends have been very supportive though.

Sure she can. What a great place to plan a summer vacation to!

Even my mom, who watched her two sons join the Army and the Navy, who spent innumerable months waiting for my dad (a Navy corpsman) to come back from deployment after deployment, who went to my Basic Training graduation in 1996 - in short, a woman who married into the military to an even greater extent than she could have realized - SHE cried when I told her I got back into the Air Force.

You're the only girl and we're both the baby (the next one up from me is ten years older than me and I only have one sister). It's not easy for them. And my mom's the only parent I have left, so it's not easy for me sometimes either!

It's okay to be homesick, but if you want to make the military a career, you have to work through it, and you sound like the kind of person who will. Call a lot - a cell phone is a wonderful thing! And every once in a while I'll surprise my mom by sending her a restaurant gift card or a small gift card to her favorite store. Little stuff.

You'll be fine.

Specializes in Med/Surg, APU/PACU, Peds, Flight.

I got my COT date and stationing assignment when I was in Italy over my winter break!

COT: August 23, 2010

NTP: Cincinnati, OH

Stationing Assignment: Lakenheath AFB, UK


Hi! I am just curious how long before you graduate from nursing school did any of ya'll start your paperwork to get into the AF? I will be graduating June 2011 and am so nervous. I have been on this website for the past couple of months and have gotten alot of great information.

Specializes in ED. ICU, PICU, infection prevention, aeromedical e.

start now! Find an nurse recruiter in your area. There is an amazing amount of paperwork that has to be done. It takes a long time, as I'm sure you've noticed.

Once the paperwork is started, what is the average amount of time...I am just trying to get all my ducks in a row and arm myself with information before I get started with anything. I understand it takes everyone a different amount of time, but on the average, does it normally take longer than a year?

Specializes in ED. ICU, PICU, infection prevention, aeromedical e.

New grads run through the system differently than experienced nurses. So those new nurses who go through NTP are the ones you need to hear from..

So new grads that are accepted.... when did you start the process and when did you get your acceptance?

Wow, just when I think I got all my questions answered, I seem to come up with more:)

My next question is about weight standards. I know what they are and I know what I have to be. It is not alot of weight that I have to lose, but, do I have to meet those weight standards before I start my paperwork with the recruiter or just make sure that I meet them before I go to MEPS? I am sorry this is a little off the subject from COT, but everyone here seems so much more knowledgable than most that I have talked to...

Specializes in Flight/ICU/CCU/ED/Trauma.

Make sure you meet the weight standards before you go to MEPS, but if it's more than a few pounds (or way over body fat %) you may run into a recruiter that's not interested in doing the leg work until he/she sees you losing some weight...or showing some sort of forward progress and commitment.

If you're talking 10 lbs, or if you're over weight but within body fat regs, then don't worry.

*just so you know, the figure of 10 lbs is strictly abstract...just pulled a number, there is no magic number that I know of.*

Hello Allenswife! I am a senior nursing student graduating in May. I contacted my recruiter in October 2009 and really got started on paperwork in November. I had to work hard to get all of the necessary things submitted and done to turn my packet in December for the January boards. My recruiter acknowledged how quickly this happened and said that it doesn't always go so smoothly (so, starting early is a very good idea!). My packet boarded in January and I just heard on Wednesday that I was accepted! BUT.... The August and October COT dates are full, so I'll be going in January(so, that puts me at a year from COT and just over a year from first contact)! There is alot of waiting and I think it's worse now because of the number of applications going in. Start soon and take your time, get information from your recruiter and get things done. I wouldn't worry about MEPS for a while (aren't those results only good for 6 months anyway?) and realize that this will take time........

Good Luck!

Thank you to all who have responded to my questions! They have helped out alot! I live in Florida and have NEVER been able to reach the nurse recruiter down in Orlando:( After searching for answers online, I have found this site the most helpful out of all!

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