considering nursing school at 45 yo

Nursing Students General Students


Has anyone else starting nursing school at the age of 45 or so? My youngest will be a senior in high school next year and my other two in college. I have waited a long time to go back to school. I wanted to know if others have gone back in mid life.

Associate Degree / Nursing / 2009

Selective Admission Process


Students who meet the minimum requirements will be scheduled an appointment to take the PSB Nursing Admissions exam.

PSB Aptitude for Practical Nursing Examination

PSB's Aptitude for Practical Nursing Examination can predict an individual's readiness and capability for successful completion of the educational program designed to prepare the qualified practical or vocational nurse.

This is the place for me:)

We older ladies and gents are something special!

I just completed my API(retake d/t 5yrs old) and I made an A!!!

It was all God and Tons of studying!

Hope we can keep this going all the way to NCLEX; we need to support each other!

Specializes in psychiatric, UR analyst, fraud, DME,MedB.
I'm 39 and just finished my first semester today . You can do it and you will be amazed at how many of your fellow students are not fresh out of high school.

:yeah:Kudos to you ladies!!!! :)

Specializes in psychiatric, UR analyst, fraud, DME,MedB.
This is the place for me:)

We older ladies and gents are something special!

I just completed my API(retake d/t 5yrs old) and I made an A!!!

It was all God and Tons of studying!

Hope we can keep this going all the way to NCLEX; we need to support each other!

:yeah:Yes, kudos to you and to all of us , who does not set limitations in learning because of our age.

Oh, how I love being in this group and being 55!:)

i agree with you wholeheartedly....i am 40 years old and just decided to pursue a nursing career ill take my time and finish.:typing

Wow!, I was feeling a little bad about being so old, but now I realize that I am not the only one, now I feel so much better. I am starting my Nursing program at 43 and will be 45 when I finish. People has ask me why go back to school at such an old age, and I tell them its because I am old enough know better. Its not how you being your life, but how you end it, and I want to end my life educated and helping others.:jester:

Specializes in IMCU.

Wow, wish I had startedd at 43. On the other hand I would probably have gone to med school! Big congratz!:yeah:


congrads on school. enjoy. take a serious look at travel nursing one year after graduation. my wife and i are roaming the country three months at a time!

Specializes in Psych.
Graduated at age 51. Travel the country full time as a travel nurse, work three days a week, play the rest of the time. The actual work is rewarding and enjoyable after a lifetime of corporate nonsense and the stress of self employment.

Would suggest completing not only pre-reqs but all non-nursing courses, allows you concentrate on the important learning in the nursing program.

School in mid life is a hoot!

Fort Worth - I like how you think! Sounds like you and your wife are having a blast.

I too got fed up with the insane demands of corporate life and said bye-bye to all that nonsense. This past August, at the age of 46, I started an accelerated BSN program, which I'll finish in July. I love it so ONLY regret is not having done it sooner.

This is such a great thread. I'm very inspired by all of you who have created satisfying nursing careers for yourselves at mid-life. Happy New Year, everyone!

Specializes in nursing home,psych,chemical dependency.

To Fort Worth,,,that is my plan also...what type of nursing do you do? I don't think Med-surg is gonna get it for me,,,and am hoping for O.R.,,I graduate in Dec. '09,,,I'll be 52 then.

Specializes in cna/restorative.

i'm 44, love it both my sons are 21, 24. know what you are going through. just start to study, anything and everything. to get into the grove.:paw:

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