Published Sep 8, 2005
3 Posts
For the past few weeks I have been reading all the different posts about taking the NCLEX. So I thought I would post to relieve some stress and get some opinions. I took it yesterday, and left in tears. I got two math quetions, which were easy, a ton of priority questions, like "Which patient woudl you see first...", and a lot of questions like, "You are a home health nurse and you recieved these phone messages. WHich patient do you call back first?". I feel like I am being tortured by waiting for the results. The test shut off at 165 questions, and I thought it was never going to end. I am so beside myself, that I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight. :rotfl: Please give me some advice to cope with this stress. I feel like I for sure failed.
146 Posts
So, how did you answer these questions? Like the one about a home health nurse...which one do you call back first or which one to see first when you get your assignment for the day as a home health nurse???? I'm sorry I just had to ask because I'm prpearing to take the exam for the second time and I remember I had those questions too...Goodluck to you!! Sorry, not that much of help here...
59 Posts
I can so relate. I took the boards in July and failed with 265! I studied for 2 months straight and re took yesterday and computer shut off at 85. I am a mess waiting for results. I was hoping to be posted on MBON before quick results tomorrow, but does not look like that is going to happen. I could tell you to relax but then I would not be following my own advice. I have a H/A, N/V, and tachycardia :) I hate the NCLEX! School was nothing compared to this torcher! I wish you the best, and hope you too pass and get your results ASAP, for our mental health! I have never been this stressed in my LIFE! Keep me posted! I will keep my fingers crossed!
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
Consider this a "Rite of Passage". Let's hope you passed. In the meantime, Check this thread:
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
Yes. Pure torture. Good luck.
I Am loosing my mind... Can't sleep, eat, or do anything except stare at the computer waiting for results
40 Posts
I completely understand your anxiety. I had to wait three weeks in CA for my results and I thought I would drive myself and my friend and family completely batty. I know you'll be just fine , hang in there. I know its pure torture. Try reading a fashion magazine or something thats not nursing or NCLEX related. It really helped keep my mind off things and kept me from sitting in front of the computer refreshing the licensing screen every ten seconds.
302 Posts
Hang in there! Do something fun to take you mind of up it until you get your results. GOOD LUCK!
After waiting for what seemed like forever and a day, I just wanted to let all of you know that I passed!! It feels so good to put RN after my name. Thanks for all of your support
Kimberly, RN, BSN
Like I said. It's a rite of passage. And you did indeed PASS!!!! YEAH!!!
Hi I am a first timer. I am scheduled to take the NCLEX in five days. I used the Kaplan disk and I get scores of 60% so I stopped and now I am using Lippincott and today I got 72%. I am just wondering what kind of scores all of you who have passed were aiming for or getting. I also am interested in if anyone knows the best way to answer prioritizing question and triage questions. I failed my first time around and now I just need some pointers! I am stressed!!!
whiskeygirl, LPN
219 Posts
I am not sure how accurate this is for those not testing in Utah. But, I have been told by many new grads that if you go to the D.O.P.L. website starting about 48 hours after you complete your exam you can check to see if you have a license number.
At least your wait is cut down a bit.
Good luck to everyone! :balloons: