Come in here if you are taking the boards this week!! Feb 11-15

Nursing Students NCLEX



I am a december grad!!!!!! I am nopt sure when I will be able to take the NCLEX, but I am anticipating it being febuary or march. I know there are more of us out there so I figured I would start a thread for us. i noticed the nov. dec, jan, threads seem so supporyive and helpful.

I am planning on taking a review course with the state board of nursing, kaplan, and doing questions. I havnt decided if I will work as a GN while I am studying or not. so... what is everyone else doing???

Specializes in STICU, ED, CEN, CCRN.

i graduated in december, took the exam feb 12 and passed. waiting for the result drove me insane though..good luck to you all

Specializes in Practicum: Med/Surg, Psych, PCU.
I FAILED!!!!!!!!!!! :crying2:

Oh my God!!!! I'm so sorry you failed, and your post sounded pretty confident. :cry:

How did you feel when you left the testing center, good/bad?

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hi everyone and Happy Valentine's Day!

I am a December grad as well and I haven't started working yet. I did however interview at a local hospital Kaiser Permanente. I plan on taking the NCLEX in about two weeks and just like most of you I am terrified as well. I have been studying and taking review questions from Saunders, Lippincott's, Hurst, and Kaplan so far. I just got the new Hurst review and plan on tackling it within the next hour. I graduated from Mizzou and I don't want to let my instructors down and pass my NCLEX the first time. I was a little bit relieved though yesterday when I read on here that I just have to get %50 and better. Subject area is so broad that by the time I study a new material I forget and have to review the past material. And as far as OB goes it is my least favorite subject. Don't get me wrong. I love babies and eventually I want to work in NICU but OB seems very confusing to me for some reason. Perhaps because I am a guy who knows.. Anyways, I just wanted to congratulate people who already passed their boards and wish good luck to all of the graduate nurses (including myself) who will be taking the NCLEX. I love this website since it has so much information for us nurses.. Have a nice day..

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Oh, I forgot to add. How rude of me! I also wanted to tell the grad nurses who failed that DO NOT EVER GIVE UP. I know many nurses who were "A" students and failed 3 or 4 times. There are some very great nurses who had to take the NCLEX more than once. I do want to pass it the first time but if I don't I will keep going at it. Remember everyone, the hardest part was graduating and finishing the nursing program :wink2:.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Peds.

i just had to breathe in and out to relax because i'm freaking out :p

i took mine this morning and it cut off at 75! it took me an hour to finish it.

while i'm freaking out, i feel like i have not fully utilized everything i had studied for this test!

i just hope i pass!

*CONGRATS on everyone who passed!!! Yay!!

Woohoo!!! I'm a Registered Nurse!!!

I just found out this morning (0630 EST) on FL's BON site that I passed!

I'm so happy right now I just don't know what to type.

Anyway, it took me an hour until the computer shut off at 75 questions. I was like, I haven't even put out everything I have studied for this test!

Yesterday was the worst day of my life because of all the waiting! I am not a very patient person.

But anyway, it's here and I passed so woohoo!!!

Thanks for all the support and encouragement!

I FAILED!!!!!!!!!!! :crying2:


please don't be discouraged...i know what your going through and its devastating. you must not let this bring you down. you get another chance in 45 days and you have to be confident. i felt like giving up but everyone here is right, we have gone through nursing school which was the hardest 2 years of my life (and i spent 2 years in iraq). we will not let some stupid test beat us. we are deserving of becoming RNs.

i've had people offer to study with me. i don't know how that is possible cause im in south carolina. but if theres a way that we can help each other, please let me know. you have my support and we will do this together. keep your head up!!!


Specializes in STICU, ED, CEN, CCRN.

it may be true that u need 50% to pass but i think it depends on how u get that 50%. I was told the test is graded on a bar; if ur above the bar when the test ends u pass and if ur below the bar, u fail. Each question u get correct puts u a step above the bar and each one u get wrong takes u a step down. So my advise would be to do ur best on at least the first 10 questions so u'll have some cushion. The more questions u get correct back to back, the better ur chances

I think there may be a bit of confusion about the 50% pass rate. The NCLEX adjusts the questions so that no matter how well you are doing--poorly or very well---you only get about 50% of the questions correct. What matters is whether the half you get right (and to an extent, the ones you get wrong) are higher level questions or not.

The very best only get about 75% of the questions correct.

A great site to look at is

it's the national council on state boards of nursing. There are some very usefull powerpoints you can look at that explain the test and the grading procedures.

Hey Fernando,

Took my NCLEx on the 14th as scheduled. I was not that nervous and wondered if that was a bad thing. Anyhow woke up at 4 30 after having just a few hours of sleep and made the hour drive to the test site. When I got to question 75 I prayed that it did not shut off cause then I would know that I had failed. Anyhow 5 hours and 45 minutes later and 265 questions down the test was finished. This has been the worst 48 hours of life. I have been pacing havent been able to sit down and when I got up this morning my result s were there. I sat here for a couple of minutes wondering if I should hit the next button. Thank GOD I did. I PASSED. 8 months post graduation and I am finally a registered nurse. Anyhow, my message to you again is don't give up. If you want it you will have it. I believe in that. Work on your nerves don't be nervous when you sit again. And for the record my mind went blank and nothing that I had studied was on that test. I was freaking out. DO it Fernando. I have faith in you and you better keep me posted.

Congratulations Brandi! I also found out I passed the NCLEX PN with 85 questions!

I just got off the phone with a classmate that took the test Thursday, also, and had 205 questions, and she passed, too. She was crying so hard I thought she had failed!

"She was sobbing,"how do you know you passed? All I see is a license number!"

So it's a good day around these parts.

What a relief!

Cograts to all! It really is a wonderful feeling to have that license. I almost don't believe it. I wish all of us could get together and go have a celebratory cocktail.

And for those that didn't pass this round.....I have no doubt in my mind that you will get it next time. The NCLEX is a tricky test, it's NOT easy or particularly logical. Hang in there.

Oh my God!!!! I'm so sorry you failed, and your post sounded pretty confident. :cry:

How did you feel when you left the testing center, good/bad?

I didn't knnow how to feel when I left. Didn't feel like I failed but didn't deel like I passed. If that makes sense? I bought a Kaplan strategies book and I love it. I feel way beeter about retesting than I felt about taking it the 1st time.

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