Published Nov 13, 2005
10 Posts
I was wondering if anyone has ever seen or worked with a nurse who has any tattoos. I am a male and would like to have some artwork done, but i'm not sure how society would view a healthcare worker with visable tattoos. (like on the forearm) Much less how patients or co-workers would see it. I did work with someone who had a tattoo on their arm (the whole arm, like a sleeve) and he was very sharp and down to earth. He seemed to do ok professionally, and patients didn't seem to mind. just wondering what the view across the board was.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
i was wondering if anyone has ever seen or worked with a nurse who has any tattoos. i am a male and would like to have some artwork done, but i'm not sure how society would view a healthcare worker with visable tattoos. (like on the forearm) much less how patients or co-workers would see it. i did work with someone who had a tattoo on their arm (the whole arm, like a sleeve) and he was very sharp and down to earth. he seemed to do ok professionally, and patients didn't seem to mind. just wondering what the view across the board was.
hello, edgreen,:)
this has been discussed many times here at check out these threads. just two of many:
nurse4theplanet, RN
1,377 Posts
I personally do not support tatoos because of the medical risks but I do not have a problem with others having them.
But in response to your question about "others"...I live in the south and the elderly population here for the most part does not approve of healthcare workers with tatoos. Our facility even has a policy that tatoos cannot be visible and will not hire workers if they already have tatoos that can not be covered (ie, facial, hands, etc.) Piercings are along the same lines. Many pts I have had that watch tv and see movie stars, young kids, and such with visible and multiple tatoos refer to it as "disgusting" or "those punk kids". So be prepared for these types of comments. Certainly, if you live somewhere else, it may be more acceptible.
ERNurse752, RN
1,323 Posts
Where I work, visible tattoos are not allowed. I think a lot of it probably depends on the region you're working in, or how friendly you are with management. hehe
Still Riding
200 Posts
I have a very small tatoo, but no Pt would ever see it because of where it is. I would have no problem with other healthcare providers having visible tatoos as long as there are not offensive.
I beleive that like Pts we have a choice in what happens to our bodies and should not be judged for our choices.
9 Posts
I have a small tattoo on my finger. So far I've not had any negative comments. I work in a small hospital in the south.
wtbcrna, MSN, DNP, CRNA
5,127 Posts
I see nothing wrong with tattoos. My elderly patients have never had problems with my tattoos. Currently about 10% of my body is covered with tattoos to include shoulders, upper chest and one lower leg. Now saying that I try to have my artwork where I can cover it easily with clothing. I only have one that I have trouble hiding because the tip of it tends to show at the top of my collar. I am currently an active duty Air Force Cpt. I teach ACLS/PALS/BLS, have my CCRN, and I am working on my MSN. There is no revelance to tattoos and what kind of nurse/person you are. As a medical professional I do recommend having artwork where it can be covered and not having any racial, sexist or any old gang (hopefully you wouldn't still be in a gang) related tattoos.
93 Posts
Keep 'em covered.
I totally agree with you! Personally, I take a "judge by action, not by perception" attitude with other people and expect the same in return. I think that if I have to be respectful of other peoples attitudes reguarding religion, sex, race... etc, they can be respectful of me too.
what health risks? if everything is done correctly and the proper universal precautions are followed, everything will be fine. If you work in the medical field, and I'm sure you do, you know what the artist should and shouldn't be doing. Personally, I feel that if someone is willing to commit to a piece of art to their bodies for the rest of their lives, then that shows that they may also posess the commitment to whatever they are doing, like nursing. but, I'm sure not everyone will see it that way.....
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I love tatoos. I myself have 5, but they are well conceiled and would NEVER let them show at work. Some ppl do not approve of them therefore I avoid any drama.
Have a good day. :)
As far as keeping them covered that is totally my choice not my bosses/commanders or anyone elses!!!!!!