Clinical drama-question about personal property

Nursing Students General Students


Just wondering, I am in a clinical group for the summer for clinical 3 days. There is a clique of girls in this clinical group. I went into the break room at the end of clinical and one of them was hitting my bag. My bag is a trendy bag which a lot of ppl carry. When I saw the girl hitting it I picked up the bag and said "That's mine" then sat at the table. The girl said "Oh I thought it was Kate's" (Kate is her friend who is in the click and has a bag similar to mine, since it is a trendy bag. Kate was standing there however.

I am worried about the safety of my personal possessions at this time since I have clinical with this group 3 days a week (its only the third week of school). Should

I let this slide or bring it up to the course coordinator? I am graduating next semester and don't want to make any waves. But, there is palpable tension between me and this group, so I don't want to let it go then have it blow up.

Thank you.

Maybe hey think you are being catty or trying to show off by bringing a bag that expensive to clinicals. And if you're that worried about, why did you out your lunch in it?

Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

Stop feeding into the drama. This is how you stop it. Focus on your own work and stop insulting them by calling them cheap and making fun of what bag they do/don't have. It is as tacky as if I made fun of you for carrying a mere Longchamps when I have a Hermes Birkin. It doesn't make you appear professional or kind.

When my students act like this, I assign more work, as clearly they are bored in clinical. I would also assign an unsatisfactory clinical performance for inability to communicate professionally for both you and the instigators, and send you all home if needed to emphasize the need for professionalism. When you are in the real world and in a code situation, those cheap fake bag carriers are your team members. Time to learn to get along.

Forgiveness is the strongest response, if that's what your looking for; and it leads to inner-peace, "Think Homeostasis".

Get it outside the classroom and tell her not to touch your ****

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Get it outside the classroom and tell her not to touch your ****

Yeah I wouldn't. That would only lead to more drama in or out of school. Always better to take the high road.

Oh & mommycruz3 if that's your picture I would change it & not link your Facebook to this account either.

When I was in nursing school just getting to order a pizza was a real treat most of us couldn't afford to do very often!

I feel guilty when I go for a Chipotle run between classes. :D

Yeah I wouldn't. That would only lead to more drama in or out of school. Always better to take the high road.

Oh & mommycruz3 if that's your picture I would change it & not link your Facebook to this account either.

I understand it's always better to take the high road. And obviously, I don't think she should get in an altercation over it. But people tend to know who to prey on. Me, personally was never the one people looked to mess with. It's how you carry yourself and demand respect. The first time that would happen (hitting my property and have that gut feeling it was intentional) I would stand up for myself and let it be known I am not the one to mess with. Of course everyone is different.

Thanks for the advice on FB. I just removed it.

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, Transplant.
Longchamp, French Luxury Brand | Official Longchamp United-States Website

Meh. I think my Dooney and Bourke bags are just as nice.

Oh my. If I were a female and I owned a purse...and that purse happened to be it, I would never leave it unattended. Good old plastic grocery bags for me. I would only bring that expensive of a bag with me to work if it could be locked in a locker while I was working.

Bring your lunch in an old plastic shopping bag. Problem solved.

And let's not get into a discussion about "how can you afford a bag like that" or "what's wrong with a purse from Walmart?" We like what we like.

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, Transplant.

Our break room at work has card access. Housekeeping (which is not a part of our dept.) goes in there to clean the floor/table/etc. Students put their book bags in there. Volunteers leave their "stuff" in there while they hare helping in the ED. People are in and out all day. I know that if I leave something unattended, it could get stolen. I am not making an excuse for the thief(-ves), I am not condoning their actions. I am not saying it is right for them to steal. However, I live in the real world, and I know it (theft/vandalism) happens. I know that anything that is not secured could get taken or "harmed." I'm not happy that is the case, but I take proper precautions.

OP, it is quite unfortunate that you are in this situation and you have been given great advice from the other members. Glancing at your past post history it seems you have a habit of wanting to report multiple people but being afraid to. If you have to second guess it coming back on you, the best answer is just do not do it. You are almost done, just deal with it another few months. Lastly, it seems to be a habit from your postings that you continuously make comments about the way people look and judge them. I assure you that this is being picked up on by everyone around you, this may be the actual root of your issues. I am not telling you to change, I would just like to point out that if you continue to do this you will most likely miss out on some very genuine friends. Also, some of the best dressed, most professional people I have met have been drug seekers, compulsive liars, etc. This is where the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" comes into play.

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