Christus St. Catherine New Grad Program 2011

U.S.A. Texas


Hi ya'll,

So, can anyone tell me ANYTHING about Christus St. Catherine's new grad program in Katy?!

Got what looks like a secondary application and maybe even an interview there ((crossing fingers)), but can't seem to find anything on the message boards about it ... any input would be great. Just hoping they don't have 2 positions for each specialty and 1,000 applicants ...... :yeah:

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

No, no no...I'm going to be in Temple. Dallas is 2 hours away! lol! Temple is a town will nothing really much going on..but after being from the largest city in NJ and living in Brooklyn for 2 years, I'm ready for a change. Austin is about an hour away so when I need my city fix, I'll head there.

That's good that your boyfriend is already down and settled. How far will you be from Katy?

Why is it going to cost you a fortune?? How much stuff are you taking? I was going to sell everything (and follow Jesus:lol2:) but my mom thinks I should get one of those Pods things (like from Uhaul) and have them ship it down. It will cost about 1200..and she's willing to pay (big balla!) so that's an option.

Specializes in CVICU.

Well Austin is apparently incredible, so it's good that it's only an hour away!! We're about 30 minutes from Katy ... it's quite a drive for me, but our lease is until November, so we're going to look at our options. We may buy a townhouse in Katy or West Houston, or just get another apartment closer. I can do the commute for a few months but it's not something I want to do forever.

That's great that your mom will pay for you; I have a leased car, so I didn't want to drive it, but it looks like I'm going to. It would be about $1000 just to ship my car if I didn't drive it. A UHaul is like $1200, and the pods weren't an option for me when I have to drive my car anyway. Trust me, I even thought about putting my car in a Pod haha. My goal is to sell 90% of everything, ship my clothes in a few boxes, and then pack up my car and drive down with someone, but I'm worried I won't be able to sell everything! I guess we will see.

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Well, when do you start working? Do you have a little time to figure it out? I have until I'm trying to get everything situated now.

This is definitely an exciting time..but still nerve-wracking! Can't wait until we're all settled in and working! :)

Specializes in CVICU.

I know!!! I start June 13th.. I would much rather stress about moving than not having a job =)

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

I found out S&W offers relocation reimbursement...up to $3000!! They have a bunch of options..even using a company they recommend (they have a few) so they will be billed directly..and we won't have to put out any money!!! If it fits, I may even ship my car! Or if I drive, they pay the gas too!! So, that's one less thing I have to stress about!!

I start june 20th since I won't graduate until June 15th but I have to come down there AGAIN for my pre-employment physical as well as turning in other paperwork like immunizations, etc. NOW I'm getting excited!!!

Oh!! And I got a rejection letter from St. Christus AND! But, I gladly replied back that I had already accepted an offer! So glad I could say that!

MissPamela..send me a message so we can link up on FB :)

Specializes in CVICU.

Oh man that's awesome about the relocation expenses!!! How'd you find that out? I should ask. I found out today from Tia that I need to be there earlier than June 13th to get all of my stuff done too like paperwork and whatnot. Soooo I'm now moving the weekend of June 4th lol. So crazy I'm trying not to have an anxiety attack! I don't have fb (I was sick of it and didn't want it up while looking for jobs), but I will PM you my email! Do u have gmail? And did Tia send you an email or letter?

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

She sent me an email!

I'm sorry to interrupt but can ya explain the application process and new grad program for St. Catherine? I emailed Tia asking for info because the website was not very informative, I'm will be a Dec. graduate and is looking ahead at programs. She just gave me a generic prewritten email saying that the candidates have been obviously she didn't even read my email. I only asked for information about the program and what the application process was like.

Any help is appreciated and good luck to all who was accepted! =)

Hey SweetieP first you have to wait until the internship is offered on thier website, like any other job. Then you need to fill out an application and give 2 letters of recomendation, one from the community and one from clinical instructor(prefered). Then turn it in by deadline. Then wait for a call to interview then wait again for an answer. Did I miss anything?

Good Luck!!

Specializes in CVICU.

Shiny, I think you have mostly everything - however, if I remember correctly (I tend to get all the different applications mixed up though so tell me if I'm wrong!) after I sent in the initial application, they emailed me to fill out a secondary application stating your top two choices for internships (based on the specialties listed on the website), and answer a few questions. They also wanted an official transcript sent to them. They will give you on the sheets that they email the date everything is due by, as well as the date you should expect to hear for an interview. However, since I was from Mass and was only in Houston for little blips of time, I harassed Tia until she basically got me in one of the days I was there lol. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

Thank you Shiny and Miss for all the great info! Sorry for the late reply, I just finished my last final for the semester :)

I would love to hear about your experiences there once the program starts, if you don't mind sharing! I'm sure it'll be so exciting!

Specializes in CVICU.

Of course! I will definitely let you know what happens once I start orientation and everything. =)

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