Published Jun 9, 2015
330 Posts
Hi everybody,
I was looking over my prerequisites and it looks like I have to take Chemistry over again because its been over 10 years. And I wondering has anyone taken Chemistry and A&P II together? Do you think those subjects are to hard to take together? I think A&P II may have a lab component too. I want to take both in the Winter 16 because I can apply for nursing program in Spring 16 if I get both of these classes done by then. I would take A&P I in the Fall by itself. If I don't take Chemistry with A&P II I will have to wait until 2017 to apply for nursing program. Go figure....
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,381 Posts
Both AP I and II require a least they should. "To hard"? What is "to hard" to you? You should be able to handle two classes in a semester. Are you planning to take APII before API? Make sure they allow that where you are applying.
HarleyGrandma, RN, EMT-B
151 Posts
Check with the program where you are applying, it may allow some other solutions. It has been 30 (!!) years since I took Chemistry, however I can 'opt out' with a high TEAS score. Every program has specific rules, best to sit down with an advisor to review your program details.
I'm taking APII this summer and we have a heavy lab portion, dissecting cats and such (quite interesting actually). The class is intense since it is 15 weeks of work presented in 10 weeks, lots of study hours. My instructor is a retired neurosurgeon, really great lectures and lots of real-life info, but very demanding.
Good luck! :-)
1,763 Posts
I did not think either of those classes was hard necessarily, just time consuming. Will you have enough time to dedicate to each class during a winter course?
5 Posts
I took each of these in separate semesters with a non-science/math class due to the amount of time required to do well in each. More than one of my classmates did take them at the same time and said they regretted it but did it for the same reasons you are.
2 Posts
At my school Chemistry requires a lab too. Taking 2 lab classes would probably be pretty difficult, at least for me I think it would be.
LovelyLocs, ASN, BSN, RN
122 Posts
I do not think taking two science classes with labs together will be too hard (I had done it in the past with one other class and walked out with 2 A's and 1 B+), but ultimately it is on you to know what you can handle. Since you have taken chem before, I think you should be o.k.
Best wishes with whatever you decide :).
3 Posts
I took Anatomy and Chemistry together this last spring semester (as well as a theater class) and managed to do well in all of them while working part time. It's all about time management and knowing how and when to study. If you think you can do it, you can. If you think you can't, you're also right.
87 Posts
I was actually in this situation myself. I was taking A&P with the lab, Chemistry with the lab, Statistics, and Marriage and Family. At my college, lectures and labs are graded separately so that was 6 classes total. That was definitely a bad move on my part. I ended up getting B's in all of my classes except Chem lab which I received an A. I also have two children at home that don't give me any time to study so your situation may be different. I wouldn't recommend it. Some people say it is easy, some say it is hard. It all depends on how you handle the load and stress I think.
1 Post
I will be taking A&P 2& Chemistry this fall along with a hybrid month long nutrition class. How did you study for these classes? I know it will be hard..but I also know that it can be done.
I made flash cards and found a study buddy. You can also make flash cards on and it has features that allow you to do a mock test, matching, and games associated with the material you entered. It is a very useful tool.
27 Posts
I didn't read the previous comments, but I took Organic Chem and A&P I (plus both labs) last semester. It was tough, I spent a lot of time studying and I rarely saw my family, but it was doable. I ended up with As in all classes. If I can do it with two kids under 5 years old and a household to run, I think anyone can :).