Chem 101 over the summer?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone here taking Chem 101 (intro to chem/chem 1) over the summer? I was thinking about doing it but don't need to. I will be taking 3 other 3 credit hour courses along w/ this 4 credit hour course. I was looking for peoples opinions on this one... And/or tips for passing it during the reduced time frame. lol


Mike, I wish you, me, and anyone else crazy enough to do chem 101 over the summer the best of luck. My course, also for 4 credits, is condensed into 4 weeks (late May to late June)! :uhoh3: Am I crazy? It will be my only course, though, so that helps. I already have A&P I and II out of the way, and all the other pre-reqs. I was freaking out a little and thinking of dropping it (I have NO chemistry background), but my 22-year-old son and his girlfriend assure me that it is very doable. I hope they're right--ideally I'd like to keep my 4.0 and not let this one bring me down.

I bought a "Dummies" book and am going to get a bit of a head start with that once my micro final is out of the way next week. Here's keeping my fingers crossed for all of us. :D

Specializes in Nursing Assistant.
Mike, I wish you, me, and anyone else crazy enough to do chem 101 over the summer the best of luck. My course, also for 4 credits, is condensed into 4 weeks (late May to late June)! :uhoh3: Am I crazy? It will be my only course, though, so that helps. I already have A&P I and II out of the way, and all the other pre-reqs. I was freaking out a little and thinking of dropping it (I have NO chemistry background), but my 22-year-old son and his girlfriend assure me that it is very doable. I hope they're right--ideally I'd like to keep my 4.0 and not let this one bring me down.

I bought a "Dummies" book and am going to get a bit of a head start with that once my micro final is out of the way next week. Here's keeping my fingers crossed for all of us. :D

I echo that i too am taking Chm1 ( no Chm history ,only A&P1 basic CHM ) over the summer but mine is a bridge session ( 8 weeks). I know I can do it. I was going to take it in the Fall but A&P2 and Chm together will be too much for those two classes together and work 40 hrs a week AND trying to maintain a good GPA. WITH ALOT OF HARD WORK WE CAN DO THIS:up:

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

I took Intro Chem several summers ago; a 4 credit course in 6 weeks. It literally was my day job, because I was there 5 days a week, from 8 until noon. It flew by. We were very busy, but I got my A and got out of there, grateful I'll never have to do it again. I guess my point is that it's doable. I wish you all sorts of good luck!

I echo that i too am taking Chm1 ( no Chm history ,only A&P1 basic CHM ) over the summer but mine is a bridge session ( 8 weeks). I know I can do it. I was going to take it in the Fall but A&P2 and Chm together will be too much for those two classes together and work 40 hrs a week AND trying to maintain a good GPA. WITH ALOT OF HARD WORK WE CAN DO THIS:up:

Thanks for your comments! I too was thinking about taking it in the Spring w/ A&P 2 but I also thought that it would be too much and I need it for my GPA... It will be hard but definitely doable! But sadly it won't be my only class... I'm taking two other 3 credit hour classes. Although, my class is 10 wks long. Which hopefully will provide a little reprieve instead of it being shorter than that. I couldn't imagine doing it in 4 or even 6 wks... Even if it WAS my only class. I wish you luck if thats what your doing. :bow:

Here's my $.02:

I took my Chem 110 final yesterday. This was my first semester back in school after doing very poorly in my first degree, and I haven't taken Chemistry since 10th grade- a good 12 years ago.

But it was actually...not bad. And I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that 1. the professor was great, and really committed to making sure the entire class understood the concepts as best as possible, 2. even though I skipped science in my first degree I've always liked science, 3. I found myself recalling a LOT from my 12-year-old Chem class, 4. the lab instructor graded mostly on participation and completion, 5. I did not skip a single class and took good notes and asked questions.

So I guess it would depend on your natural abilities with science, what sort of teacher you'll have, and what level of understanding your particular school expects in the intro Chem class, your timeline and how much risk you can take with your GPA (my undergrad was low with some failed classes, so I really need *excellent* grades, not just *good* grades. I was only taking one other class this semester, but for 3/4 of the semester I was working full time in a stressful, soul killing job.

Personally, I really love the summer semester. Campus is quieter, classes are often smaller, you cram more in a short period, BUT you have it in a shorter period which is good if you, like me, tend to lose momentum as the semester progresses.

I suggest getting in touch with the instructor and ask if you can have a copy of the syllabus now. That way you can get an idea of what is involved and at what pace. Also, check out this site

If you go to the helpdesk section there are a lot of good quick reviews in the "Guch Explains" and wonderful practice worksheets with answer keys.

I hope that helps! Chem in the Summer is doable... I'm considering Organic Chem this summer, but I'm taking two other classes and the daycare costs might bankrupt me.

Good Luck!

I have to take Chem 1 and 2 one of these days to complete my AS degree. I also have to take Statistics. I am getting all of my simple electives out of the way and then I will do chem and stat. UGH. Is the Chemistry for Dummies Book good to review ? I will need something big time. Do you memorize in Chem ? I have like no chem background. Thanks !

I suggest getting in touch with the instructor and ask if you can have a copy of the syllabus now. That way you can get an idea of what is involved and at what pace. Also, check out this site

If you go to the helpdesk section there are a lot of good quick reviews in the "Guch Explains" and wonderful practice worksheets with answer keys.

Oh, I remember Mr. Guch's website! A lifesaver for sure, his site explained things much better than my instructor, for sure. I wanted him to be my instructor! Great resource.

Good idea, too, to check with the instructor now, if possible. Also, get hold of the book you will use as early as you can. Also review your math, dimensional analysis, metric conversions, periodic table, etc, now, so you won't have to waste time getting up to speed. If you can pad your grade in the beginning weeks with some great test scores, it can really help later, when it gets a bit tougher.

Is the Chemistry for Dummies Book good to review ? I will need something big time. Do you memorize in Chem ? I have like no chem background. Thanks !

I bought the Chemistry for Dummies Book, but didn't get much out of it. I got more out of the free website that I listed in my previous post. The author of the website also wrote the Complete Idiot's Guide to Chemistry which I might buy if it goes into Organic Chem at all, but for Inorganic Chem the website is all that I needed. My best tip: do every example problem you can find... yes, it means more homework, but you'll feel better prepared for your in class quizzes and tests. That's why I like Guch's site so much... there are practice problems in nomenclature, equation balancing, molarity, conversions, gas laws, calculations, sig figs and more. By the way, start practicing now on metric/nonmetric conversions and read up on sig figs to start getting the idea though not all teachers agree on some of the rules for sig figs so be prepared to tweak your knowledge a little once class starts.

Good Luck! Chem was extremely hard for me, but I managed to get an A in the end so it can be done.

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