Chattahoochee Technical College ASN Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello Everyone! I've found it super helpful and encouraging reading previous threads from Chattahoochee Tech's ASN hopefuls in the past. I was really hoping to start a thread for anyone who is planning on applying for Chattahoochee Tech's ASN program this Fall of 2017 - this way, we can share helpful information with each other and provide words of encouragement for one another. Anyone who wants to comment or ask any questions is more than welcome to! I hope that we all get in!!!!

Hey I wanted to know if the schedule in banner is accurate. If so are we suppose to register now or will all this information be given during orientation.

Hi everyone,

I apply to the nursing program 2017 and on July 7 I reverted email that I am not accepted. I have 284.4 point and I really don't understand why I was not accepted? I'm very disappointed!

Did you have all of the prerequisite classes? Like the humanities, math, classes that weren't included in the points system?

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The schedule in banner is more like just a place holder for billing. Your actual schedule will be much different. One week you might be there just monday and tuesday, the next week you're there tuesday, wednesday, and thursday and the week after that all 5 days lol. I don't know whats up and whats down without my calendar in front of me most days lol. You should be able to go ahead and register on banner now once you're accepted if you want to, or you can wait until orientation.

Oooo ok thank you. I was trying to give my employer an answer on if I was going to be able to work. Looks like it'll be a week by week basis.

Yes def. a week by week thing. And even then they will change the schedule sometimes the last minute. Everyone make sure you're super flexible with your schedule because nothing is ever set in stone and there is always things being added or taken away. You'll learn to just roll with it! Also with your Facebook group , make sure no one ever talks about grades, teachers, or each other . They will go over that in orientation though! I definitely recommend getting a nice planner and a dry erase calendar. Color coding assignments and days you have to be here or there is super helpful and if there are schedule changes then it's easy to fix it! Like lexi said, there is no way I would of survived without my calendar! Also NCLEX style question books are great to get. I saw lexi told y'all about the "success " brand books. Those are super helpful. Everyone will also need a clear, waterproof horizontal badge cover for their school ID to clip onto their scrubs. I ordered a 55 pack of Amazon for a few dollars for the class and gave them out at orientation for one less thing to worry about! Also for class, you can't wear scrubs or jeans, we wear business casual every class , so if you're like me and needed to stock up on some things , that's a heads up! Ummmm... you won't start clinicals until around the end of September or beginning of October I believe , but you'll have skills lab, it's nice to go ahead and get your clinical/ skills lab bag together and it's fun to prepare! I have my stethoscope, pen light , 5 1/2 inch surgical scissors, hemostats, highlighter, sharpie, pen with 3 colors, a watch with a second hand, my badge reel, and a little pocket notebook for notes and postits. I carry a bag of person items like Tylenol, chopstick, lotion (my hands get super dry at clinical) and caffeine gum! You don't have a lot of time for coffee at clinicals so it's nice to pop a piece in and keep chugging along! You will have to buy a skills lab bag (they will tell you about this at orientation) it has hinge it it but they are for simulation dummy use or very low quality so you won't want to use these things at clinicals. If I think of anymore I'll let you know or add me or lexi to your group on Facebook to help answer questions" Lindsey LC Casey "

What's the actual name of the class?

Thank you so much! That's all super helpful! I will start preparing!!

Never mind I found it. I just need to be accepted :)


What is the Facebook name for our class?

Chattahoochee tech ADN class of 2018

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