Chattahoochee Technical College ASN Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello Everyone! I've found it super helpful and encouraging reading previous threads from Chattahoochee Tech's ASN hopefuls in the past. I was really hoping to start a thread for anyone who is planning on applying for Chattahoochee Tech's ASN program this Fall of 2017 - this way, we can share helpful information with each other and provide words of encouragement for one another. Anyone who wants to comment or ask any questions is more than welcome to! I hope that we all get in!!!!

I see one for 2017? But not 2018

This may sound so slow lol but why is the would the graduating class be 2018? is the program only a year ? if you start in 2017 wouldn't it be 2019 .?

We would graduate in December 2018.

How do we create a new thread for Fall 2018 class?

How do we create a new thread for Fall 2018 class?

Do you want me to create one

Hi everyone! First of all congratulations to all of your that got into the fall 2017 program! I am currently finishing up my prerequisites to apply for the following cohort, and I have been reading this thread for inspiration. Unfortunately, I received a B in API lecture AND lab. I am finishing up my summer class for AP II and will most likely have an A in lab, but quite possibly will get another B in the lecture portion. I still have Micro to take. Do any of you know of anyone that got in the program with a few B's in jos science prerequisites? I was really really working for that A in APII lecture, and I am afraid that these B's have just ruined all hope of me getting in a program. :(

Best teacher to take for mirco and why ?

All nurses doesn't let you put teachers names. It will block the name out :/

Hi I'm thinking about take ASN at Chattahoochee Tech but don't think I'm smart enough to be a nurse


Have you started the RN group for newbies at Chattahoochee Tech?

Does anyone know when the information sessions for admissions into the LPN to RN bridge option for Fall 2018 will be posted? Also, when I attended the information session last year for the bridge option, they had a couple of books available for us to take pictures of to study for the pharmacology exam and fundamentals exam for the bridge option. Anyone know what these books were? I've deleted those pics.

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