Challenging PN through military but RN is available.....


So I got approved to challenge the PN CLEX through the military, took the CLEX twice. The first time I failed but got just above of below passing on every category. The second time I studied for months and studied everything. This time I Felt as if I knew 99% of the test, it seemed very very easy to me and I felt as if I only missed 10 questions. But just found out I had failed every category with a way below average, like the lowest of the low. To me this seems to be a mistake, but I am getting no help from the board.

So I logged in to register again for the test, and now I see it is available for me to take the PN and RN NCLEX. If I took the RN and passed would it get rejected anyway since I sent all my qualifications to the LVN board?

I noticed that a lot of you say that the mindset of the PN test is a lot different. Well I used to be medivac in the military and had all my Emergency qualifications, ALS, ACLS, PHTLS, PALS, etc..

I am wondering if this is why I am failing this test over and over again. I still can't get over that I knew almost everything on the test but failed every categorie pretty much saying I didn't get 1 question right.

Sorry for writing so much. I searched for the question but did not find an answer.

Your questions aren't clear. If you have submitted an application to take the PN test, then that info applies to your PN application. If you have an RN application pending, then you need to clarify which application your registration info applies to. As for your previous training, this may be why you are failing. You have to study for the NCLEX from RN or PN review books and approach each question from the viewpoint of the RN or PN curriculum, not that of an EMT or military medic. EMT, EMT-P, and military medic perspectives are different than that of nurses. The NCLEX is looking for what you should have learned in a nursing program. You have to cultivate the right mind set to pass the exam. You can't get an RN license, if you mistakenly take the RN NCLEX (which shouldn't happen), and you do not have a valid RN application for licensure pending. You need to clear all of this up before you test again.

Thank you for the reply, I have submitted an application for the PN test. Both are available to test for on pearsons website. I will stick with the PN though. I have several books that are CLEX PN question and answer books that I used to study as well as studying A couple pharmacology books.

There were questions on the test that I remember seeing in my books so I know I got those right, and other questions I even looked up when I got home and I answered them right also but the results say I pretty much got nothing right. How could I almost pass the first time then study a lot and totally bomb the next etst doing worse??

The test is unpredictable. All one can do is to prepare as best as possible and hope for the best. Good luck.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I would suggest you start a study plan from scratch, forget everything you know and just concentrate on nursing. Use a good review book.

On a side note I thought there was only a couple of states that allowed you to challenge the boards?

I, too, was under the impression that there are only a few states that allow specific categories of military medics, corpsmen, etc., to challenge the NCLEX-PN, and no states that allow anyone to challenge the NCLEX-RN. I would be v. surprised to learn that is possible anywhere, although I am happy to be corrected if I'm misinformed. :)

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