Celebrate Recovery


Hey guys! I'm about 2 months into my contract. I'm feeling huge waves of emotions. I'm having a hard times dealing with the shame and guilt that I feel all the time. My self worth is at an all time low. Just wondering if anyone has attended any Celebrate Recovery meetings to help you emotionally and spiritually? Any input is greatly appreciated!

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

We have a Celebrate Recovery program at our church. I know it has been very helpful for many who are experiencing life challenges.....hurts, habits. and hangups. It provides wonderful support groups in a safe and confidential environment which helps to address spiritual needs too. I highly recommend CR.

Thank you for your reply! I've made arrangements to attend one on Friday!

I start school in January and I've been in recovery along time. I've worked in rehabs and been to kajillion AA and NA meetings. There is a nurse, doc there in every meetings it seems. When you get a chance share. Tell the group your deal and I bet someone will approach you after the meeting. Family is great but sometimes that's the problem or part of it. Find a somebody that knows what you're going threw. Believe me when we are helping others we are helping ourselves more! I'm not a big book thumper but parts are freaking spot on. Good luck and so find someone you can just talk to with no strings attached.

I was told in my Tx program last March that the guilt we feel is our moral compass, but it is still so hard to shake the feeling of shame. NA meetings have helped me, and if you can find a Caduceus group to attend, you'll get so much support and it will definitely help you with your self-esteem. We are not bad people. We suffer from the disease of addiction but like any chronic physical illness, it can be put in remission. I've been clean 14 months now. Big hug for you from the Great White North! Hang in there, ok?

Specializes in Critical Care, Addiction, Peer Support.

oh yes, Caduceus meetings are awesome, I attend one every Sunday morning and it is my home group. No one will truly understand you better than another medical professional in recovery.

I really wish I was able to find one! I can't find one anywhere near me. I'd be willing to drive a reasonable distance! Going to my first celebrate recovery meeting tonight. I'll let y'all know how that goes!

Specializes in Critical Care, Addiction, Peer Support.

yeah, do let me know what that is like. I know, I feel blessed to have that Caduceus meeting so close to me. Are you in Ohio?

No ma'am, I'm in rural Arkansas

Specializes in Critical Care, Addiction, Peer Support.
No ma'am, I'm in rural Arkansas


Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

Shake the guilt and shame off

work your program, stipulations

make priority revovery..

when i I completer I returned to ER,

& was DON in several LTC/SNF,

we we can become even better nurses and people, as result of our bumps journey...

best wishes &

Merry Christmas

Thank you for the encouragement! I'm hopeful that this process will help me grow into a better wife, mother, nurse, and person in general! I'm trying my best to focus on all of my blessings in life and not just focus on the negative things that I have going on!

3 months into my contract (still not able to work as RN). Almost 2 years clean, and I have spent all my weekly meetings at CR! I absolutely love it and would encourage anyone who is a Christian (and even if you're not) and struggling with anything, to attend! I also live in a rural area (in Ohio). I'm required to attend group meetings, but don't have any nursing recovery groups. A majority of our participants are addicts of some sort. I have grown in my faith and know that I have a recovery team to back me up and be there for me through anything. If it is something you're interested in, you can go to their website and find a meeting near you. It's the best thing that has helped with my sobriety.

God Bless,

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