Cedars-Sinai New Grad Residency - March 2015

Nurses Career Support


Hello fellow RNs!

So the application for Cedar-Sinai's RN Residency Program opened for the March 2015 Cohort. I thought that this would be the perfect place to gather and talk about our experiences and thoughts as applications are being reviewed. Has anyone applied in the past?? What is the turnaround time from application to interviews? I know from past threads that there were three rounds of interviews.

If any RNs are in the program now or have completed the program, please feel free to post with any comments, tips, or advice about the interview process.

Good luck everyone!! :up:

*Edit: My apologies, I'm new to allnurses.com and discovered that there are other relevant threads/forums. I'll repost this over at "California Nursing"

My last name begins with an "A"

bobcee, when did you get a call. My friend in my cohort's last name begins with a "B" and she got a call around 11:05. But there was someone on facebook whose last name started with a "J" or "K" (not sure which b/c she had 3 names for her FB name), and she posted around 9:18am that she received a call.

I think you are all in. Just give it some time. And i dont think theres a fall back list.

Recieved mine at 830. And which facebook group is this. I need to add that one

bobcee, did you ask how many offers they were giving out by chance? Also, the FB group is the new grad rn california

20-25 or more depending on how good the candidates are. Im pretty sure who ever didnt get the emails with get a call so soon

I'm still waiting too. Best of luck to you all

Just got my offer! Any word on a FB page?

HEy! i got my offer finally super early this am--legit still sleeping when I answered it. I haven't heard of a FB page either. Anyone want to volunteer to create one?

anyone interested in a roommate? I'm going to have to move out to LA/Santa Monica area for this job , i live to far.

Someone made a fb page - cedars- sinai New Grad RN March 2015 Congrats everyone!

I need a roommate/place to liive!!! I'm moving from SF. I posted in the FB group.

Is the application closed? Where can i find more information about this?

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