CCAC Spring 2015 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi All!

Just sending out a good luck huzzah to everyone applying for the Spring 2015 cohort at the Community College of Allegheny County.

We can start applying tomorrow and the the deadline is August 15.

I am all done with my pre-reqs and co-reqs, so am excited to get this application process rolling. I am going tomorrow to meet with an advisor to be sure all of my ducks are in a row.

Anyone else out there applying?

Oh. If u look up your class on ccac central and cliuck on the blue link it will tll u the exaxt price of the books. I did the courses I'm taking for ths upcoming semester and it was $611. That's used but i don't care. Lol

Be careful buying used books, all three bundles came with codes for different websites that you will need or find very helpful. ATI is required online access (you will have an ATI test you need to pass to proceed to 130/140). Prep u is helpful, especially for 120. You can buy the books else where ( I got mine off of amazon for ~900) just make sure they still have the codes.

lol i know, im lpn to rn o the books were for 130/140.. i also always make sure the used one i grab has the code.... ya never know when u might need those

Oh no everyone.... I've run into a bit of bad luck that's making me upset :( I thought I had completed all of the parts of my "certified profile" and was just waiting for my child abuse clearance to come back in the mail. I sent it in awhile ago. I was thrilled to see it in the mail today! Then I opened it, and discovered it was rejected because I didn't mail it in properly. I quickly fixed my error and re-sent it again today. I tried to call the help line to ask if there was a way to expedite the processing, since at Allegheny we are supposed to have all of our paperwork turned in my Dec 8th, but the office close at 4:00pm and I called at 4:07pm. Bad day for my mail to be late.

It seems pretty certain that it won't be done by then since it won't reach Harrisburg until Monday. I went ahead and e-mailed the Dean of Nursing, but I am thinking I should probably also send an email to the nursing secretary just in case. I don't know how flexible they will be with this. The last time I had a child abuse clearance done was the end of March 2012, so that seems to old to submit. Does anyone have the secretary for the nursing departments email address? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

The original paper we received says, "There will be no exceptions if you miss the deadline or fail to provide required information." This is making me very nervous. I also tried to call Certified Background and they are closed today for the holiday.

Also, I heard somewhere that we needed to had our flu shot done before October 31st, but I don't see this anywhere in the paperwork I received. Can anyone give me more information on this? Thanks again :)

I called and they said as long as the flu shot is done by December 8th you will be fine. Good luck...I hope they still let you in. You've earned it!

I had my Hep B series rejected because I don't have an actual shot record from my childhood and absolutely no way to get it as it was tossed when my mother passed. I proved I had antibodies with m y titer but apparently I need the shot too? Has anyone had this happen besides me? If they make me get more shots when I have antibodies that seems ridiculous. I emailed and nothing yet. Also if I need the shots their is no way they can be done in time. I'm getting so nervous as I have already paid too much for this and I'm praying that doesn't stop me. Also I didn't realize the tb was two step until the other day and my second reading wont be until the 7th then I will submit it online and its a Sunday so it wont be accepted until do they actually know if everything is through? do we have to print a form or something on the 9th? Super frustrated with this whole thing, anyone know anything about the Hep B I'd appreciate the feedback. :/

I was able to get these records from my pediatrician... I believe they have to save immunization records. Im guessing on the website they go by the date you submit the results to the website, but I would call them just to double check. It says their hours are 10-6:30 on Sunday so you might be ok. I don't think we have to print anything out... for $130 it should be on them to let CCAC know we have everything submitted. Best of luck!

That's my issue....I called the clinic I last went to as a child and they had no records.....I moved a ton as a kid.....I'm on house 40 right now...thank you US Navy and my those are gone. :-(

Update on my case: I am good to register on Tuesday. The dean emails some back.

Gold: I am sorry they aren't getting back to you. This bad line of communication is making things more difficult than they need to be. I would go get your first shot for the Hep B series. You only have to have the first one done to register bc the entire series takes 6 months. I double checked this bc I had them when I was a kid and I no longer have immunity. There was no way to get all three shots completed by December 8th when we were accepted in October and it's a six month process. Get the first shot then submit proof of that along with your Titer. I hope you hear back but if not I would Rush to start the series.

I wouldn't worry about not have the hep B series done. I know ad least 10 people in my class are still working on it, including myself. As long as you can show you started it then you can start the first semester.

Also just re-read yor message about TB too. I would call. I talked to nursing secretary at allegheny and she was helpful before I received an email from the dean

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