Ccac/calu spring 2010

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi Everyone, I just got my acceptance letter today for ccac/calu spring 2010! I thought that it would be a good idea to start a thread for CALU. So that all of us that got accepted can get aquainted since we will be classmates and we can use this thread to share information about CALU & the program..............I am looking forward to meeting everyone!!:D


I don't think I understand the shcedule they gave us. There's no room number or building names. I think it's gunna take some getting used to. I guess I'll just wait and see what it says once the schedule is online.

I assume the building is Morgan Hall because that's the nursing building.

I'm hoping it says room numbers online though too!

The paperwork at CALU said that payment for NRN101 must be turned in by December 16th. I already have Financial aid loans in place for 2009-2010 through CCAC, wouldnt that just fall into my loans?

Here is my question, the paper I have says section 2 or lecture, is there a section 1 and what time is it? I am currently in a class that ends at 4 or 5 and I have a 45 min drive home and will not be back in time to pick my kids up from daycare/preschool. My husband will hopefully be working by then and we have no idea what he will be working. Does anyone know if the other section is earlier and are we able to switch?

I sent one of the staff an email, she looked rather frazzled when I got there around 1 pm. SO I didn't want to ask her there. Waiting to hear back from her.

I was disappointed in how they handled things, left me with more questions then answers, felt like they just wanted my money and get me out the door.

I only found out today that I was only being registered for the nursing courses not any other course. So I did find out I can take the A&P at another time. SO I will take it over the summer at South Campus. That helps me in more ways than one, it helps financially, opens more time for me to work, and to be home with my kids.

Please if anyone has the other section and would be willing to switch with me if staff cannot arrange? please let me know.


Lesli Joy

Hi everyone! It was a bit of a busy day for me!! I got registered and had to go to the health dept. for a tb test that I can't get, but that is another story anyway I agree not a lot of information without asking. I will try to answer everyone with their questions that I may have answers to. First I wanted don know that we did not get clinical bags today no idea when they are coming in but I did find out that our bags do have a BP cuff in them. I am going to post what I know with peoples quotes....................

Here is my question, the paper I have says section 2 or lecture, is there a section 1 and what time is it? I am currently in a class that ends at 4 or 5 and I have a 45 min drive home and will not be back in time to pick my kids up from daycare/preschool. My husband will hopefully be working by then and we have no idea what he will be working. Does anyone know if the other section is earlier and are we able to switch?

I sent one of the staff an email, she looked rather frazzled when I got there around 1 pm. SO I didn't want to ask her there. Waiting to hear back from her.

I was disappointed in how they handled things, left me with more questions then answers, felt like they just wanted my money and get me out the door.

I only found out today that I was only being registered for the nursing courses not any other course. So I did find out I can take the A&P at another time. SO I will take it over the summer at South Campus. That helps me in more ways than one, it helps financially, opens more time for me to work, and to be home with my kids.

Please if anyone has the other section and would be willing to switch with me if staff cannot arrange. please let me know.


Lesli Joy

Hi Lesli! I know what you mean about the class times I have a better time for lecture it is w,f 12:00 - 1:50 I can't switch with you bcs I am a single mom with kids and I have to already make arrangements for my lab day which is thursday I have class from 1:00 - 4:55....... As far as other classes go we are responsible for scheduling them ourselves.... I don't know which A&P you need but if it is A&P 1 you can't leave it until summer it is a co-requisite with nrn 101.... If you get the ccac spring catalog look under nrn 101 it will tell you all of the pre-req and the co-req classes if don't have them done the co-req must be taken at the same time. for example I do not have math done it is a co-req so I am taking it with my nursing classes in the spring.... I hope this helps..........Betty

I feel like I have a bunch of unanswered questions. I also don't like that they demanded you give them what paperwork you have with you. I didnt have a chance to make copies of my forms and told the woman that and she said "we make copies and give them to you the 1st week of class" Which btw, when is the first day of class? *When do clinicals start?

*Do we have an actual orientation where we get information?

*Do I need to actually register for the list of classes I was given today, or do they take care of that?

*Also do we have to have a full-time class schedule? My paper that she gave me only has 8 credits listed. Do I need to take another class to be at full-time status, or am I allowed to be at part-time?

Hi Christen, I think that I saw you but I was not sure it was a bit confusing this morning! Anyway I did ask and we will have an orientation 1 week before class starts. We are responsible for scheduling our other classes. Full or part time status I think would be up to you but if you are depending on financial aid you do not get as much if you are part time. Full time is 12 credits, part time is 6 credits.

The paperwork at CALU said that payment for NRN101 must be turned in by December 16th. I already have Financial aid loans in place for 2009-2010 through CCAC, wouldnt that just fall into my loans?

I asked the financial aid rep from ccac that was there today about this. If you are taking classes at ccac with the nrn at calu, you do nothing if you already have financial aid set up at ccac. You will not owe a payment in dec. That was for people who are calu students already and are not taking their classes at ccac. So what I mean is you and I are fine bcs we are already ccac students with financial aid in place. The only thing that sucks for me is I really do not have a way to buy the books until we get our financial aid money which won't be until right before class starts..... If we were going to get the books at south campus I could have gotten a book store charge from financial aid a little earlier so I could buy my books. Since we have to get our books at calu I will probably be buying my books the 1st day of class. Oh well that's how things go, Calu does not even know what the books are yet. I wonder how much they are going to cost?

I forgot to post in my original message that I was told orientation will be 1 week before class starts & the bookstore at CAlU does not have the books yet, I don't know how much they will cost. They do not know what the books are yet. I also asked shannon about shoes nothing specific on the shoes except completely closed and all white. ( I am assuming no clogs )

I just noticed that our thread got move to CA nursing programs. eek........... we are not in CA. I sent a pm to a staff member and hopefully it gets moved to PA.............Just wanted to let everyone know


I know it is listed as co-requisite which is why I thought I had to take it. However I was told today at registration that I did not have to take it this semester and could take both of them this summer. With the classes I am scheduled I can not take the A&P at South which is the only other campus close enough for me to commute to, and still commute to south.

You would think if there were 2 sections they would have asked if one section or the other would have caused problems especially with so many of us working and having kids.

What ages are your kids? Maybe if we get together for a study group we can get the kids together and my oldest (14) can watch them while we study. If you are like me you are used to studying with 'kid noises' in the background.

Can't wait to meet you all.

Lesli Joy

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

just a gentle reminder of the terms of service:

while it is important to be able to network, everyone should be mindful of the following:

it is a small world - when we narrow it down to a state and throw in some personal info, there is actually a pretty good chance someone may recognize you if you are not careful. your privacy is paramount to us.

while is a wonderful place to vent (without excess personally identifiable details) it is not the place to express why ("x" specific person, place or program) is terrible. gripe away, but since we cannot permit allegations to be made about named entities, your care in not naming them is very much appreciated.

please do not give out personal information about others. do not name names where anyone could identify the person in any facility including your nursing programs

thank you!

Thanks for the gentle reminder, We will try to be more careful when discussing our program.

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