Ccac/calu spring 2010

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi Everyone, I just got my acceptance letter today for ccac/calu spring 2010! I thought that it would be a good idea to start a thread for CALU. So that all of us that got accepted can get aquainted since we will be classmates and we can use this thread to share information about CALU & the program..............I am looking forward to meeting everyone!!:D



I know it is listed as co-requisite which is why I thought I had to take it. However I was told today at registration that I did not have to take it this semester and could take both of them this summer. With the classes I am scheduled I can not take the A&P at South which is the only other campus close enough for me to commute to, and still commute to south.

You would think if there were 2 sections they would have asked if one section or the other would have caused problems especially with so many of us working and having kids.

What ages are your kids? Maybe if we get together for a study group we can get the kids together and my oldest (14) can watch them while we study. If you are like me you are used to studying with 'kid noises' in the background.

Can't wait to meet you all.

Lesli Joy

Hi lesli! Can't wait to meet you either, My kids are 10, 8 & 1. We will definitely have to try and get a study group together, I was already discussing this with my friend whom I am going to car pool with. If not before we will all meet each other at orientation and maybe we can work out times, days and places to study. I actually study at night now when all of the kids are sleeping. It works out really well for me! I was thinking about studying on campus before classes in the morning after I get the kids off to school & daycare.

Hi everyone! I wanted to share some news that is exciting for me, I got my littmann classic ii se stethoscope in breast cancer pink!! My little elves could not afford to get it for me for christmas, so I thought that I would check out ebay. It was a nail biting 2 days of bidding, but I won! It is new and never been used and I paid way less than I would have ordering it and shipping was free!!!:yeah::yeah: I am so excited to be getting things ready for school!!!


Hey are our class schedules going to be posted on ccac central? I want to know how much I owe them and get it paid but wasn't sure if I needed to be looking at a cal account or something.

Hey are our class schedules going to be posted on ccac central? I want to know how much I owe them and get it paid but wasn't sure if I needed to be looking at a cal account or something.

I just checked ccac central & my classes are posted so yours probably are too!

Mine still arent up. Anyone else have this problem or did they just forget about me? starting to worry.

Does anyone here use facebook? Also does anyone else still have stuff to do, I just lost my health insurance so I have to find somewhere CHEAP to get a physical and my PPD and MMR booster done. I got the titers and tetorifice done at the health department, will go back there for the PPD and MMR booster but need to find somehwere for my physical, it is the last thing I need to do, my CPR class is Tuesday at CAL (am class).

On one hand I am excited on the other I can't believe how much I am spending before I even get started. I am not used to spending money on me. I just hope the next 2 years go FAST so I never have to count pennies again. I can stand counting dollars, but not pennies LOL.

I'll be in the am CPR class to. I'll see you there! And yea I need to so the drug test still :/

Does anyone here use facebook? Also does anyone else still have stuff to do, I just lost my health insurance so I have to find somewhere CHEAP to get a physical and my PPD and MMR booster done. I got the titers and tetorifice done at the health department, will go back there for the PPD and MMR booster but need to find somehwere for my physical, it is the last thing I need to do, my CPR class is Tuesday at CAL (am class).

On one hand I am excited on the other I can't believe how much I am spending before I even get started. I am not used to spending money on me. I just hope the next 2 years go FAST so I never have to count pennies again. I can stand counting dollars, but not pennies LOL.

I am waiting for my titers to come back from The health dept and I had my tetorifice. I also have to start my tb over!!! It was the health dept. mistake they gave me an mmr shot with my 1st TB and because of that I could not get the 2nd tb for 4wks.

So I have to start over!! I have had 2 tb tests since sept. by the time I am done it will be 4.....LOL If you get an mmr do the 2 step tb 1st! Some one posted a phone number on this thread for southwest medical near calu that is doing the drug screenings for $75.00 maybe they can do a physical for a reasonable price.

I am with you on the spending money thing and we have not even bought books yet! I hope the 2yrs goes fast too!! BTW I sent you a pm about facebook...............Betty

has anyone heard anything about our books? do we get them from south campus or cal campus? I just want the isbn numbers so I can get them online cheaper.

I tried to buy them at south when I paid for my classes and they said I had to get them at cal. I haven't tried the online book store but usually if you type your class and section number in it'll tell you what books you need. I'll try it after work if no one beats me to it.

Has anyone gotten their uniforms or clinical bags yet?

Has anyone gotten their uniforms or clinical bags yet?

I had my uniforms sent to the store in bloomfield and they just called me yesterday to let me know it is in. I have not heard anything about the bags. I am not sure if they are sending them to us or if we are getting them when class starts or at orientation. I also just called the bookstore at CALU and I was told that they do not have the list of books yet they won't know until the 1st or 2nd week of January.

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