Ccac/calu spring 2010

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi Everyone, I just got my acceptance letter today for ccac/calu spring 2010! I thought that it would be a good idea to start a thread for CALU. So that all of us that got accepted can get aquainted since we will be classmates and we can use this thread to share information about CALU & the program..............I am looking forward to meeting everyone!!:D


I will be at CALU tomorrow around 9:30am-10am for our registration/uniform fitting!! Hope to meet some of you there!!! I will be by myself but I have short platinum blonde hair (that will make me easier to Say hi!!

I will be at CALU tomorrow around 9:30am-10am for our registration/uniform fitting!! Hope to meet some of you there!!! I will be by myself but I have short platinum blonde hair (that will make me easier to Say hi!! [/quote

I'll be there around that time also! I'll look for you...I have medium length blonde hair in case you see me lol can't wait for tomorrow!!

Hi All! I will be there tmrw morning as well I will look for all of you! I am short (5'1") and have medium length reddish brown hair. Hope to see you all tmrw morning!:D..................Betty

WOO HOO!!! Tomorrow is orientation!!!! I can't wait! I wonder if we get our clincal bags tmrw or if they have to be ordered.......... I am sooooooooo excited!!! Imagine how it will feel the 1st day of class.... I have never been so happy to see christmas coming!!! It means we are that much closer to starting classes!!!:yeah::yeah:

BTW I don't know about anyone else but I hope that Santa brings me something for nursing school..........A littmann stethescope would be nice!!!

WOO HOO!!! Tomorrow is orientation!!!! I can't wait! I wonder if we get our clincal bags tmrw or if they have to be ordered.......... I am sooooooooo excited!!! Imagine how it will feel the 1st day of class.... I have never been so happy to see christmas coming!!! It means we are that much closer to starting classes!!!:yeah::yeah:

BTW I don't know about anyone else but I hope that Santa brings me something for nursing school..........A littmann stethescope would be nice!!!

I hope we get our clinical bags tomorrow tooo!!! I also hope Santa brings me a littman lightweight stethoscope

Specializes in ICU, Step-down, CCU.

I'd like to know if they have clinical bags tomorrow. Other locations are being told Jan. Also interested to see if the clinical bags are the same from campus to campus.

the elves told me I have a littmann classic II S.E. under the tree... well, the email accidentally ended up in my email box, so I guess it is the email elves. Not too sure about the color ceil blue I think, but we will see when the 25th comes along.

I'd like to know if they have clinical bags tomorrow. Other locations are being told Jan. Also interested to see if the clinical bags are the same from campus to campus.

the elves told me I have a littmann classic II S.E. under the tree... well, the email accidentally ended up in my email box, so I guess it is the email elves. Not too sure about the color ceil blue I think, but we will see when the 25th comes along.

Tell the elves that santa made a good choice for you!! That is the littmann I would like!! Yeah for you!! I hope that I get one too! But my little elves can't bring me that.( it costs a little more than what is in their piggy banks...LOL) maybe I will still get one we will see!! If not I will buy myself the one I want in january before classes start (I am going with breast cancer pink they donate to breast cancer research if the you get the pink one.)

I will let you know if we get our bags tmrw or at least what we are getting in them.............

So what did everyone think of registration and what is you schedule looking like?

I feel like I have a bunch of unanswered questions. I also don't like that they demanded you give them what paperwork you have with you. I didnt have a chance to make copies of my forms and told the woman that and she said "we make copies and give them to you the 1st week of class" Which btw, when is the first day of class? *When do clinicals start?

*Do we have an actual orientation where we get information?

*Do I need to actually register for the list of classes I got today, or do they take care of that?

*Also do we have to have a full-time class schedule? My paper that she gave me only has 8 credits listed. Do I need to take another class to be at full-time status, or am I allowed to be at part-time?

Specializes in ICU, Step-down, CCU.

you need to register and settle payment. I would suggest registering sooner than later because on the 17th the demand the $$$ at the time of registration or you are not going to be able to attend.

If you need financial aid, that needs to be put in place and worked out. Wait until you see all the extra fee's when you register, the fee's add up to about another 3 credits.

I don't think I understand the shcedule they gave us. There's no room number or building names. I think it's gunna take some getting used to. I guess I'll just wait and see what it says once the schedule is online.

I got answers!!

1. You do not have to be a full time student, unless you are receiving financial aid.

2. Classes begin Tuesday January 19th.

3. You do not have to turn the class schedule paper into registration. I will take care of that.

4. You can take pre req classes at CCAC or Cal.

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