Categories of NCLEX: are we suppos to pass all the categories?


Are we suppose to pass all the categories to pass the whole test?

Yes!!! All the categories in a passing level :)

Is there a percentage or is it by the passing line/graph?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

it's not that simple.

This post explains computer adaptive testing & the NCLEX>

This video explains the passing standard change while explaining what the passing standard is in the first place:


Thanks that was very helpful (:

Yes, you have to score above passing in all categories to pass the exam.

Wait, I'm still confused. So we have to stay above the line. But we may not get questions in all categories?

You will get questions from all catagories and you have to be at or above the passing line.

But what defines passing?

Where is the line at?

The people who make and regulate the NCLEX define what is passing and where the line for passing is, no way to know what it is or which questions are below, at or above that line. Just have to take each question as if it were at or above the line. Don't know what else to tell you.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There is no "magic" number such as get 80% right in each category and you pass. It's much more complex than the article and watch the video. Every category is covered on every exam in some way. But not everyone gets the same number of questions that is why there is a range for each category. Pharmacology isn't just drugs names/doses/calculation but other interventions such as what safety precautions are needed or what contraindications or when to call the doc/hold drug or is this a safe order.

The Kaplan Teacher I had told us that everyone is going to get a 50% on the exam, but you can get 50% of the questions right and be above the passing line. Or, you can get 50% of the questions right and be below the passing line. And she also told us that if you are getting really easy questions, then you are most likely failing. If you are getting application questions like Kaplan, then you are most likely passing. But it depends on how many questions you actually get. It really is an odd grading system!!

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