Career choice after 1.5 yrs of MS

Nurses Career Support


So I have other discussions submitted under the right categories, I don't understand why people don't answer them , but answer other ones?? Maybe someone will respond

OP, you seem very angry!

I am classy, I am just angry. USBE or ESBE is the one that started this rage, whereas the second responder was actually nice and was trying to understand what I was trying to ask, which is what nurses are supposed to do, right?. At this point, if someone is going to piss me off, they're going to know about it. Don't judge me, I dnt even wnt 2 ask my ? under this thread. :)

There is no question in your original post. That is likely why no one is answering. If you want answers to a question, format your post to reflect that.

And I am referring to my recent post, when no one answered. I do not tolerate the rudeness on the internet, the people on this website are the problem, not me.

Bella14k...I like you;)

If you are being serious, then this is what I have to say…People always end up liking me.

Specializes in Telemetry.


It appears as though someone did respond to the thread regarding a resp/pulm floor so this thread is a little (no, a lot) confusing.

Please try not to swear and act out so aggressively. It does not make you look good.

If you would like assistance in the future, I assure you many members will remember your behavior here and may choose not to help you.

Well are you going to clarify the damn question or not, OP? What exactly do you want? Answers? A pretty pony? World peace?

You remind me of Cartman from South Park when he was imitating a teen girl to get on Maury. "Ugh. Whatevs! I'll do what I want!"

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.

Someone get the haldol and Ativan on standby please.

Someone get the haldol and Ativan on standby please.

good idea

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
You have one other thread inquiring about respiratory nursing and received a response . But using vulgarity to insult others perhaps that's why no one else is replying. If you don't like the side terms of service take it up with the admin team in the Help Desk forum.

She may have me blocked. We had a little run in when OP posed a question last year as a new grad. All I can say based on her apparent attitude is that OP hasn't changed.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

It's not like Facebook. You can only ignore here and it's one sided.

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