Can't get these knots outta my neck


Specializes in LTC.

so i started my second semester and so far so good ! i've organized my time to study, i'm ahead on readings, getting my work done and etc. i'm also having a positive outlook on the load of work ahead of me. however, when ever i'm studying or doing something school related my neck gets stiff and it aches so bad. i know it probably related to stress, but i'm just not sure since i have such a positive attitude about nursing school. its a sharp, continuous ache. i usually put a warm compress on it or get my bf to massage the knots out and that seems to help. ( by the way i'm not asking for any medical advice here, i'm totally aware of the rules). has anyone ever experience this before ? :uhoh3:

Specializes in Peds Hem, Onc, Med/Surg.

Yes, all of nursing school actually I felt this and I never really felt "stressed" but I was. My doc told me to start exercising to release the pent up stress. We might not mentally feel it but physically is another story! =D

Good luck!

Ususally these knots happen when we sit for too long and there is not enough circulation of blood. I find mild exercise and mild stretching helped me when I was a student...Acupuncture and TDP heat lamp help me now more plus the mild exercise and I am going through whiplash!

Yup. Stretching. Some simple yoga poses should help.

I'm having the same problem right now. I thought it was stress at first and I am stressed. But I've had worse periods of stress and never got the neck pain so bad. I recommend making sure you sleep somewhere soft. I've had a bad habit recently of dozing off on the couch. Also some Skelaxin doesn't hurt either. ;)

I carry a lot of tension in my back, around the shoulder blades (the right side more than the left). It's been worse since I've been in school, due to sitting for several hours at a time, writing more, using the computer mouse, and a longer commute (I drive a stick shift). One of the massage therapy students suggested stretching like this:

and it helps, as does heat. On really bad days I stick a Thermacare wrap to the inside of my shirt (I react badly to the adhesive) and the next day I feel much better.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.

good posture, try not to slouch in your chair. stretch during breaks, chiropractor!!

Specializes in LTC, wound care.

I never had this trouble until I started spending the kind of time reading like I do now. I tried an ergonomic book holder (made just for holding big heavy books like nursing books) and I can read for hours. I got mine from Atlas. No, I don't work for them, I ordered one a couple years ago for myself, and this past Christmas I ordered two more, both for loved ones who are in college studying scientific courses. They also are happy....


Here's what I am talking about:

I love mine.

I carry a lot of tension in my back, around the shoulder blades. One of the massage therapy students suggested stretching like this:

A massage therapist suggested the same for me. I was actually stretching wrong and making the pain worse. I know we can be strapped for cash in school, but a great upper body deep tissue massage at the end of last semester worked wonders for me (even though it's just tensing up again as this semester gets into full swing!). Short, inexpensive ($10) accupressure sessions work well for me also - I carry stress in my face, neck, and shoulders.

Just my experiences, I'm definitely not a professional in anything I've mentioned! :nuke:

Specializes in ICU.

I had pain in my neck for a few months when I went to a massage therapist for just a little relief! She told me I was clenching my jaw, leading to the strained muscles in my neck. The next few days I paid attention to it, and sure enough, I was clenching it! I've since made a conscious effort to stop and my neck pain has disappeared! Good luck!!

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