Canadian RN moving to California - Licensing help please!

World Registration


My wife and I are Canadian and I'm moving to California for work. She is an RN who passed the NCLEX in 2016, and has worked for about a year in a Canadian hospital. We're trying to navigate the process of getting her licensed in California but it's been a bit challenging. Our understanding:

  1. She can't apply to be licensed in California with out a SSN.
  2. She can't get an SSN without a job.
  3. She can't get a job without being licensed.

The work around we've read about is that you get licensed in another state that doesn't require an SSN to become licensed, and then obtain licensure via endorsement.

The odd thing about the application forms for licensure via endorsement is that they explicitly support a transfer from Canada, but require an SSN or ITIN. Would a simpler way of doing this be to apply for an ITIN and then apply directly to the CA BON? We have one friend who recently applied to the CA BON without an SSN or ITIN and their license was granted, and they seemed to think it was no big deal.

Specializes in Peds.

OK yah so that means I'll just work in WA and then apply for CA jobs 

So do I go with my job offer letter and my CGFNS visa screen cert to the border crossing and then what do they stamp or give me?  IS that all you have to do???  (which is easy for me 15 mins away and that's how you get to WA from here in Vanc Canada) 

Also does anyone know say if I take a month off before working in CA and want to be in CA while im job hunting is that allowed or do I need to go back to Canada (I'll have already worked in WA but I guess its the TN for WA) 

You'll need the Visa approved by a lawyer first. And they'll give a list of documents to take to the border, which include what you listed, as well as: original school diploma, nursing license, etc.


Canadians can stay in the USA for up to 6 months at a time. So a month of job hunting is no big deal (but don't tell the officer this).




Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

Hi @ssrah. Instead of SSN, Cali can accept ITIN but I don't have further info on that. 

Start settling I.e. in WA first getting your SSN then you can apply for Cali endorsing your WA to Cali.  Since Canadians are considered internationally educated for Cali so you'll pay $750USD for the endorsement. It may take a while +++ for the Cali BRN to process your paperworks even though they received it earlier. It's a whole process again, this is overview of what they required. Then once you get the Cali license & job, then you can get another TN1 permit. Crossing the border and getting TN is smooth as long as you have all the documents. Consider also importing your car with TN processsing so you can register your car with the DMV. 

Specializes in Peds.
On 7/4/2022 at 7:49 AM, hypnotizer90 said:

Hi @ssrah. Instead of SSN, Cali can accept ITIN but I don't have further info on that. 

Start settling I.e. in WA first getting your SSN then you can apply for Cali endorsing your WA to Cali.  Since Canadians are considered internationally educated for Cali so you'll pay $750USD for the endorsement. It may take a while +++ for the Cali BRN to process your paperworks even though they received it earlier. It's a whole process again, this is overview of what they required

. Then once you get the Cali license & job, then you can get another TN1 permit. Crossing the border and getting TN is smooth as long as you have all the documents. Consider also importing your car with TN processsing so you can register your car with the DMV. 


Okay - for now I am focusing on what I need to do for WA 

For the TN visa all I have is my completed visa screen certificate from CGFNS

I will also have a job offer letter

Do I need to do anything else or speak to an immigration lawyer? 

Can I apply for my SSN and register my car once I am in WA settled? 

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.

The two workplace I had had their own immigration specialist and associated with attorneys to ensure the TN process was smooth.
Commonly required paperworks: 
- TN request letter signed by the U.S. employer (to be mailed)
- Supporting documents, including CGFNS VisaScreen and degree certificate
- Canadian passport
- $50 U.S. for TN application fee and $6 U.S. for i94 card

When you have your TN, you can proceed to get your SSN with required documents, mine came after 1month. 
Research details on importing you car with TN. Technically, you have 1year before needed to return your car in Canada (if not importable) or go to the border to officially import. The Border will give you forms needed for import so you could register your vehicle to the DMV. (Last time, the Border forgot one form which I called and they emailed me.)
For Washington State DMV, read here

@NYnurse I am currently in the process of receiving CGFNS documents as a University of Calgary graduate. I am curious if you had clinical hours in peds, maternity, and mental health in your curriculum, since I only received med/surg clinical hours? How long did the process take for you from the University sending your documents to the CGFNS processing time? 

HI I would like to ask about  TN Visa, as I'm planning to get my license in California and hopefully work there. I am a Naturalized Canadian and currently practicing as an RN here in Canada but I do not have bachelors degree, I only have associate from my foreign country and did upgrade like did bridging courses to be  an RN and passed NCLEX here in Canada. I am just confused about what I've heard and I couldn't seemed to find the right answers. If someone could guide me through please let me know your experience. Is it true that we need Bachelors to get a TN visa? I have checked the immigration  website and it just says that we only need a job offer from the employer and and proof of license or proof that you are a nurse in Canada and also proof of citizenship. Where exactly they would ask for the Bachelors degree? 
Please thank you for sharing your information. This site is truly a blessing.

Thank you.

@MK azcona The border asks to see proof of your bachelor's degree when I applied for the TN visa. I brought the physical copy. You can try calling the specific border you are going to be crossing at for more information. They did not want my nursing license, only my bachelors degree, passport, CGFNS VisaScreen, and official job offer letter. Check the CGFNS website specifically for california for what requirements they need to give you a nursing license in that state. Hope this helps.

?Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Even if I have the official job offer, and obtained California license, is it still not guarantee to be granted TN visa at the border if I don't have Bachelor's degree? What if I only have certificate in Canada and not a BSN degree? because originally I got my first RN license in the other country and it was only associate degree then when I came to Canada I did bridging course ,thats why I got my Canadian RN license. Will the certificate from my bridging or associate degree outside the country will count?

 I hope someone could clarify my dilemma.

Thank you very much.

When you apply for the VisaScreen through CGFNS they check your credentials, and if they are deemed suitable for the California/USA requirements, they will give you the VisaScreen. This is required at the border to get the visa. The biggest hurdle you are going to face is going through CGFNS and this will take a significant amount of time. I do not know the specifics of the associates degree or not. They may also require additional documentation such as a CES or CP document from CGFNS in order to get the California nursing license, so they are the best website to check. 

Thank you very much. This is clearer.

Thank you

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma/Neuroscience/Cardiac ICU.
MK azcona said:

Even if I have the official job offer, and obtained California license, is it still not guarantee to be granted TN visa at the border if I don't have Bachelor's degree? What if I only have certificate in Canada and not a BSN degree? because originally I got my first RN license in the other country and it was only associate degree then when I came to Canada I did bridging course ,thats why I got my Canadian RN license. Will the certificate from my bridging or associate degree outside the country will count?

Hi. Any update on this?

I do know some internationally educated RNs (BSN back home) that still needed the Canadian RN bridging to meet their competency gaps in their education in Ontario. Some only required 1year bridging to receive the "equivalent" education and be able to register for RN designation.

One of my friend completed her BSN in PH but required to finish the 3year RN to BScN bridging. However, when she applied to California BON they only assessed her PH education since that was her undergraduate and not included her Canadian education which pissed her off. Anyhow, she's a travel OR now in Cali under TN. 

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