MK azcona

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  1. MK azcona

    Canadian RN moving to California - Licensing help please!

    Thank you very much. This is clearer. Thank you
  2. MK azcona

    Canadian RN moving to California - Licensing help please!

    🙂Thank you, I really appreciate it. Even if I have the official job offer, and obtained California license, is it still not guarantee to be granted TN visa at the border if I don't have Bachelor's degree? What if I only have certificate in Canad...
  3. MK azcona

    Canadian RN moving to California - Licensing help please!

    HI I would like to ask about TN Visa, as I'm planning to get my license in California and hopefully work there. I am a Naturalized Canadian and currently practicing as an RN here in Canada but I do not have bachelors degree, I only have associate fr...