UBC Nursing


Hi all,

I was just wondering if anybody is also applying to the UBC Nursing program this year for the 2009 intake...and also, for those that are in the program, or have graduated from the program, would you kindly please tell me what the program is like, as well as your admission average (based on the 30 credits that UBC Nursing looks at) and your supplemental application...to better prep myself for the application process.

thanks in advance.

MMI means "multiple mini interview" which is the interview format that UBC's School of Nursing uses. If you google for MMI interview questions, you may be able to find questions and practice from that. :)

:heartbeat Angel

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

To prepare for the interview, I'm going to read as much as I can about nursing...the code of ethics, the nurses' responsibilities..stuff like that. As for accommodation, maybe you can find a homestay for a few days...or try to contact the Housing and Conference department in UBC. I know they regularly have a few rooms in Gage Tower (one of the residences) for rent for short stays.

Thanks for the info! I found a nice place to stay downtown which isn't too pricey. :) Does anybody know for sure whether or not we will have to write an essay or if it's just the :

"6 interview stations, rotating from station to station spending about 8 minutes at each. You will be presented with a scenario or question to which you will respond before proceeding to the next station. Once you have visited all six stations, you are invited to attend a brief presentation about the programme with the Associate Director Dr. Bernie Garrett."

I mean, I'm pretty sure there's no essay..but on the website it said something about an essay.

Happy Easter Everyone!

ps- I think it would be so fun if we all got together after the interviews and go for drinks to celebrate!

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

...I stilll can't find any interview info on the ubc nursing site. Anybody care to give me a pointer? And yes! It'd be fun to go grab a snack after the ordeal's over =)

the only information i found was that article about last year's interviews: on the home page, at the bottom under "what's new", there is an article about the MMI process :)

as far as i know, the info on the 6 stations was only provided in the email? even though they said to "check the ubc nursing website for more information on the interview process" :p

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

>.> yah thought so. was wondering what the email meant...

I sent an email early last week when I confirmed that I would be attending my interview asking where I could find more information regarding the interview because the material on the website seemed somewhat limited and out of date. I also asked if they were planning on updating it but just hadn't had the chance. I still haven't heard back, but will keep everyone posted!

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

Alright girls =) Good luck to us all on the interviews that's coming up =)

yes good luck everyone! I finally found an outfit to wear today! I will let you guys know how it was on Monday evening.

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

good job =) and thanks for the heads up!

Yay! Interviews are over! Hope everyone felt that they went well :) Guess all we can do now is wait...

Good luck everyone!

Specializes in General Internal Medicine, ICU.

Ugh, this is so frustrating. UBC emailed me and I'm placed on waiting list...*fingers are crossed*

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