Published Dec 24, 2015
Rocknurse, MSN, APRN, NP
1,367 Posts
I have a dilemma. I have received a job offer and I am having difficulty making a decision. I currently work in a cozy office job in informatics for the second largest hospital system in my state. I am well paid, have a nice desk by the window, can come in and leave when I want, every weekend and holiday off. But....I'm halfway through grad school to be an APRN. Next year I start clinicals and will need to have a flexible schedule, and right now I work Mon-Fri.
I applied for a job in the top ICU in the #1 hospital in the state on a whim, and I applied one afternoon and they literally called me back the next morning. I had the interview, went well, liked the unit but then when I got home figured I may not take it and just stick out my current job until clinicals. However, they called me back yesterday and offered me more money than I asked for! I'm just feeling apprehensive about giving up my very privileged position and going back to the grind, even though it's better paid. The thought of working every other weekend, absolutely having to get there at a certain time, and never getting to sit down and drink a coffee is playing with my head. I've done that for 23 years and I'm tired. I know that working in this ICU will look really good on my resume, expose me to the top medical teams in the state, and put me in a really good position to get hired right out of school. Am I crazy? What they're offering is basically just a couple thousand away from 6 figures. That's a heck of a lot of money and I feel like I can't turn it down. I am bored by my current job but it's so comfortable. I also feel like the longer I'm there the further away I get from keeping my skills and relevancy current. Of course I always planned going back to clinical, which is why I'm in grad school, but I wanted to do so as a provider. I have a lot of credentials and experience and I know I have what they need, but what do I need? I feel like taking the job would be a strategically correct move.
I miss clinical and I literally watch every single medical program I can, and if I watch something like Boston Med I am on the edge of my seat with tears in my eyes because I know in my heart that I want to do that again. I just want to do it as an APRN not an RN and I'm only hesitating because I was sick for over a year and am finally well again but worry that my body won't be able to handle it. I don't know what to do. I know they want me or they wouldn't have called me so immediately and offered more than I asked for.
Current Job:
It's easy
No holidays/weekends
Nice office environment
Well paid
Don't really like the people
Not passionate about it
Won't have time for clinicals eventually
Losing my skills
New job:
LOTS of money
Learning opportunity
Possible $10,000 sign on bonus
Every other weekend and holiday
Hard physical work
Rotating nights
Just about every other negative thing you can think about on a clinical floor
I know I will need to make a change eventually as I don't want to stay where I am forever. I feel like this new job is a huge opportunity that I may not get again but after being away for 2 years I'm apprehensive. I guess I got comfortable and lazy. This isn't like me!
1,224 Posts
So when do you start clinicals and when would you graduate...?
I start clinicals next Fall and I graduate 2017.
12,646 Posts
I'm all about comfort right now, but this sounds like something you really want to do. Then again, you are in school.
Yea, I'm no help.
Good luck, it's not a bad dilemma to have!
I'm all about comfort right now, but this sounds like something you really want to do. Then again, you are in school.Yea, I'm no help.Sorry. Good luck, it's not a bad dilemma to have!
LOL thanks for posting. Yeah, I hear you on the comfort thing but I'm cursed with this Type A personality thing and I'm always looking to move forward. At least my brain is. My body, not so much.
Hoosier_RN, MSN
3,965 Posts
I'd take it. The offer is there now, may not be when you need for clinicals and you may have to take a less than situation
Amistad, RN
131 Posts
It sounds like you're going to have to leave your current job next fall whether you'd like to or not due to scheduling clinicals. It would probably be much more stressful to train at a new job at the same time as starting clinicals than to start the new job now.
Either way you've got some great options! Good luck!
It sounds like you're going to have to leave your current job next fall whether you'd like to or not due to scheduling clinicals. It would probably be much more stressful to train at a new job at the same time as starting clinicals than to start the new job now. Either way you've got some great options! Good luck!
Thanks! Yes, this is true. I know I have a good thing going right now but I'm keenly aware it can't last. I guess I just wanted to eke it out as long as I could but I'm also aware that I can't waste a good opportunity. I hate being a grown-up sometimes LOL
Go for it. You know you want to. :)
Hahaha I do, I do! I also want to lay on the couch and eat bon bons! Oh the dilemma!
martymoose, BSN, RN
1,946 Posts
I'd stay put.
You probably won't even get breaks,much less time to drink your coffee.Unless they are union, then that's a different story.
Was your goal to work in ICU?
Sounds like they are desperate. I'd be worried.
Although it would look good on a resume.
I'd stay put.You probably won't even get breaks,much less time to drink your coffee.Unless they are union, then that's a different story.Was your goal to work in ICU? Sounds like they are desperate. I'd be worried.Although it would look good on a resume.
Yes, my goal is to work in critical care. I'm in the acute APRN program so that's usually the endpoint. They're not desperate. It's a fine hospital and they can pick and choose. I just have what they want. However, the longer I'm away from the bedside the more irrelevant I become. Eventually I'll have to go bedside anyway, I just wasn't expecting it so soon. There are many pros and cons to take into consideration. If it wasn't for the money....