Calling out-have bronchitis and don't know what to do


I am an aide and was diagnosed at the ER this morning with bronchitis. When I came back, I put some feelers out about getting someone else to work third shift for me tonight. I just woke up (took a vicodin this morning) and no one has bit. Should I call out? Back in early September I was told by my sup that I need to watch my attendance. I have been out since that talk. Anyway, what do I do? I work on a critical care floor:(

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

If you're sick, you're sick. You won't do your patients any good by spreading germs to them. And you likely would be absolutely miserable.

I've actually wondered about that exact thing myself, because I'm prone to pretty serious cases of bronchitis. It's difficult to get out of bed or do anything - and the coughing fits are absolutely terrible, I'd be a scared pt if my nurse went into coughing fits like I have w/bronchitis. Are hospitals understanding about that sort of thing? Granted, I hope to never have that again as I had no insurance last year & couldn't get antibiotics until I finally paid cash. Last year I was lucky enough that my boss let me work from home, but now that I'll be switching to nursing...not so much a possibility. I hope you feel better!!!!!!

Well I just called the supervisor. I explained the situation and was told that a) I am the only person scheduled and b) they cannot tell me that I "have" to come in I guess I am going in.....bronchitis and all....

Specializes in Med-Surg/Peds/O.R./Legal/cardiology.

bluemorningglory, hope you feel better soon! Healthcare settings frown upon calling out and nurses are super-humans who aren't supposed to get sick. Take care of your own behind. They won't....

ETA: In my OP I said that I had been out since my talk about attendance. That should read that I had not been out. Not once. I am afraid of getting fired. I just wanted them to know that I had been diagnosed with this. I don't want to hear anyone b*tch because I showed up sick. What I find odd is this...they hire a boatload of per diems...why don't they utilize them in cases like these?

Specializes in acute care med/surg, LTC, orthopedics.

You said you went to the ER, would a dr's note not cover your ***?

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

Why did they prescribe vicodin? Is this a new Rx or did you take it before?

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.
Why did they prescribe vicodin? Is this a new Rx or did you take it before?

I'm wondering the same thing.:confused:

I have taken vicodin in the past though not recently. I did not ask for it...he gave it to me so that (his words) "I could get some rest"

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

Oh my...does vicodin make you super sleepy? Do you feel awake and alert enough to go in tonight? I would be very very cautious. I do hope you are feeling better soon. Bronchitis takes forever to clear up, it seems.

I took it in the AM, took a five hour nap, woke up, am feeling ok(cough is still there) but not tired at all. I go in for 11pm.

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