Called Off again....and scared!


Specializes in Nothing (yet).

Hello Everyone! This is my first post on All Nurses. I've been reading the forums for months now and I finally have something to ask....

I recently took a per diem aid job on the MedSurg floor and today is the 2nd time I have been called off. I am still in orientation and am getting called off. The first time I was sent home early and the second time (this morning) I was called off before I went in. My question is, should I be concerned? I need to work or I won't be able to pay my bills. I am a nursing student so I thought per diem was the best option for me...but now I am not so sure!

Has anyone had experience with this? Maybe I am overreacting and this is out of the ordinary. I just don't understand why someone who is still orienatating would get called off. Wouldn't they prefer to have me learn when things aren't so hectic? I thought I was doing well with the job so I don't think that is the reason they called me off....they said it was due to a low census.

Thanks for your support....

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

The fact that you are on orientation is unfortunate. Orientees should not be considered in the numbers as far as staffing goes. Have you asked your manager about this?

Specializes in Nothing (yet).
Have you asked your manager about this?

I haven't asked the manager yet (but I do intend to when I am back on Friday). I was supposed to have a training session with the staff educator today and I wouldn't have been working on the floor for a good portion of the day... so I really don't understand why I couldn't be there.

Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

You're per diem. You'll be called off first.

You're per diem. You'll be called off first.

I wouldn't think that you would be called off during orientation-that seems odd.


Specializes in M/S, Travel Nursing, Pulmonary.

Well, I can say one thing that may or may not help. Times are rough, its not time to turn down hours/shifts simply because they are "uncomfortable" to you. That happens at my facility like crazy and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT.

I work five 8hr shifts a week, 11-7 night shift. I have been called off a grand running total of...........once. One time. Uno. And I asked to be called off that night. It was truthfully someone else's turn but they wanted to come in.

Why? Cause no one at my facility wants to work night shift. I just don't get it. People with families and unpaid bills......still wont go anywhere near night shift. All their PTO......gone, but don't ask them if they want an 11-7 shift to make up hours.

Point of all this is, do your best to have flexible availability. The facility is only going to use you if they can. So, allow them to use you..........when they can.

What I'd be asking is the facility going to extend your orientation time to include these days that you are called off? Or are they going to try and cram it in on the days you do work?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Did the person who called you know you were still on orientation? It was probably a night supervisor deciding who to cut and she might have seen that you were per diem and didnt know you were supposed to be on orientation. The communication between management is not good in my hospital and results in mistakes regarding who should be cut.

Are you a union hospital. Where I work you can't be called off during orientation or during your 6 month probation period even if you want to be called off. It is the hospitals times to see if the job is a good fit and they can't do that if you aren't there.

Specializes in Nothing (yet).

Thanks everyone for the replies. To clarify some questions that posters had....

1. It is not a union hospital.

2. I did tell the person who called me that I am in orientation and that I was scheduled to meet all afternoon with the staff educator. Apparently none of that mattered because she told me I would just have to reschedule.

3. I am willing to work different fact, I am trying to get on 2nd or 3rd shift but the supervisor won't let me work a different shift until my orientation is complete...and, no, they have no idea when that will be.

To be honest, in general my orientation has been less than helpful. This is my first aid job and they basically put me out on the floor and had me work with another aid (who didn't do much or help me). I have basically been "on my own" and since I am not getting the orientation I feel I deserve I might as well not be on orientation and then I could work different shifts. I don't know if it is like this at other hospitals but I sure hope not. I have an interview tomorrow at a different hospital but it is for a per diem position and I don't know if it will be the same disaster all over.

I feel so frustrated and I have just hit the tip of the iceburg on my nursing journey....

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

My facility is nowhere near laying people off. We were fully staffed as of June, but I'm sure we've lost a few, by now. But this time of year, census usually drops as people avoid elective procedures around the holidays. I've seen our Ortho floor close from Christmas to New Years more than once--emergent orthos go to the trauma floor, knee and hip replacements stay home and eat turkey. Even on my neuro floor, admissions decline during the holidays. So the call-offs may just be seasonal. But I agree with the others--you need to be oriented. I think I'd at least be keeping my eyes open for other options.

I speak from the heart when this, please hang on in there, nothing is always as bad as it first seems.

If you've gotten to the end of your rope, just tie a knot and hold on tight.

You never know, that last push might just be it. I said a prayer for you:).

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