California's 2010 New Grad RN Program

U.S.A. California


2010 is fast approaching so I think there must be a new thread for 2010 new grad program. I hope the moderators will allow me to post this new thread. I'm currently working at Monrovia Memorial Hospital which is 40 miles away from our apt. We live here in Playa del Rey, near the LAX and unfortunately I don't drive yet. I'm looking for any hospitals that offers new grad program for next year. I'm not even sure if I'm still qualified for a new grad program because it will be my 8th month this Jan. working at Monrovia Memorial. Anyone could share any info..Thanks..

Specializes in med-surg, tely, oncology.

It sucks guys, but we have to keep trying. What state do you guys live in. I am stuck in the hell that is CA.

Specializes in ICU LTACH.

I'm in the same boat as you tomyjoon, I live in southern california. To make matters worse, california isnt a compact state, so i would have to pay for endorsement in another state if i want to relocate. Unfortunately, if i dont find a job here in cali, i might just have to come up with the funds to be able to qualify to RN jobs in other states.

Specializes in med-surg, tely, oncology.

that is true. if you don't have a house or other obligations. i suggest getting out of ca. i am stuck here because my house is upside down. plus, i have worked in sacramento for 14 years as lvn ( i know it's not nursing), but due to my experience i have made a lot of connections. i am hoping that it will help. i have two interviews this week one at dialysis and one with a doctor. i know both people. however, if i could leave ca, i would be gone tomorrow. i hate this state; it is the most prejudices state. at least in texas (my home state) people tell you to your face. good luck to you.

I live in Southern California and agree there are absolutely NO JOBS!!!!!!!!!!! People always say "Ooh Nurses are needed soo bad" ... YA RIGHT!!!!!!!!! Are any of you working else where? I am really thinking about just getting a regular job in the mean time because I need money! I am planning to move out of state next year for awhile, but the job market seems to be crappy throughout the U.S.

Are there any upcoming new grad progams that anyone knows of?? The ones that I know of are starting in Jan/Feb.

Thanks guys :nurse:

Specializes in CCRN, House Sup, CCT, Unit Director, ICU.

I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but there ARE jobs for new grads in Southern California. You just have to get off the beaten path, ie look in other hospitals besides the large ones which advertise new grad programs (which means thousands of new grads will apply).

How I got my first RN job:

-had my sights set on a particular specialty from day one, and geared everything in my resume towards it

-put together certifications for my specialty (acls, pals, ekg, wound care) and joined ANA, AACN, ENA

-called SMALL hospitals, asked to speak to the unit directors in (insert specialty floor)

-spoke to unit directors directly and inquired about RN positions

-discussed my certifications and goals (getting an MSN, CCRN, etc)

These tips landed me INTERVIEWS, and I got a job right off the bat in ICU with a great orientation.

I hope this helps someone.

I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but there ARE jobs for new grads in Southern California. You just have to get off the beaten path, ie look in other hospitals besides the large ones which advertise new grad programs (which means thousands of new grads will apply).

How I got my first RN job:

-had my sights set on a particular specialty from day one, and geared everything in my resume towards it

-put together certifications for my specialty (acls, pals, ekg, wound care) and joined ANA, AACN, ENA

-called SMALL hospitals, asked to speak to the unit directors in (insert specialty floor)

-spoke to unit directors directly and inquired about RN positions

-discussed my certifications and goals (getting an MSN, CCRN, etc)

These tips landed me INTERVIEWS, and I got a job right off the bat in ICU with a great orientation.

I hope this helps someone.

good job. you did exactly the right thing. i did this too and it paid off. i got into a residency program, directly into the specialty I wanted. Being decisive and focused is important, and talking to the right people. congrats.

@ICUSkeenRN, please how did you get the wound care cert.? I have searched online and the only cert for wound care I found requires so many clinical hours post graduation.

Also for other new grads already working, did any of you actually get jobs from applying online? I have applied to over 150 jobs online, numerous walkins in hospitals, nursing homes and rehabs in the bay area, sacramento and roseville(can no longer keep track) and I am yet to get a call. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Please did any of you really get calls from hospitals by applying online ? Also when you call the HR or try to reach the DON or manager the person that needs to transfer you automatically realizes that the DON went to a "meeting."(that is just annoying). I know there are alot of us in this boat, but I am just curious to know if this online application thing really works, and for those that graduated in the past 4-5months already working in CA what would you guys say stood out and made that employment possible? I hope my question made sense, just a bit fraustrated(am sure there are alot in this same possition) but of course we can not give up hope.

Ok the search has ended for me after searching months for a job! I am now working for Public Health! *dream* as I fell in love with it in nursing school. They informed me that one of the main reasons why they hired me was the enthusiasm that I showed to them during the interview. I smiled a lot (I do that when I'm really nervous) lol but Honestly, I was myself. I tried to not let my nerves get the best of me. I also think that everyone should go up to the managers personally and meet them before the interview even leave a copy of your portfolio with them, although I didn't do it for this interview I got the job with, I have heard it works. Although I did bring a portfolio to my interview. Get certified in everyyything if possible. I know it is expensive, but it makes your resume look better. As far as online applications, some organizations have great systems/HR personnel, others...not so much. It really just depends... but once you submit an application, go meet that manager! Address your cover letter to them also. You will find a job, I was feeling very hopeless the past week, and then out of nowhere I am offered a job I didn't even think I had a chance at getting! Anything is possible :)

Specializes in CCRN, House Sup, CCT, Unit Director, ICU.
@ICUSkeenRN, please how did you get the wound care cert.? I have searched online and the only cert for wound care I found requires so many clinical hours post graduation.

Also for other new grads already working, did any of you actually get jobs from applying online? I have applied to over 150 jobs online, numerous walkins in hospitals, nursing homes and rehabs in the bay area, sacramento and roseville(can no longer keep track) and I am yet to get a call. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Please did any of you really get calls from hospitals by applying online ? Also when you call the HR or try to reach the DON or manager the person that needs to transfer you automatically realizes that the DON went to a "meeting."(that is just annoying). I know there are alot of us in this boat, but I am just curious to know if this online application thing really works, and for those that graduated in the past 4-5months already working in CA what would you guys say stood out and made that employment possible? I hope my question made sense, just a bit fraustrated(am sure there are alot in this same possition) but of course we can not give up hope.

As for the wound care cert, where do you live? I went through a program called AANE who offerred several classes of interest in the So Cal area. It was really helpful and provided me with 4 additional words on my resume: advanced wound care certification.

I personally found online apps to be a waste of time. Phone calls got me interviews. Seriously- get out the phone book and call local community hospitals (200 beds or less) and ask to speak to the unit directors of med surg, tele, icu, er, or whatever interests you and inquire about any rn positions. Do NOT immediately blurt out that you are a new grad. Instead, tell them about your goals, certifications, what you bring to the table, etc. The inevitable question will eventually arise, "what experience do you have". Tell them about your externships, rotations, etc and yes, that you are a new grad, BUT you are bright, enthusiastic, eager to learn, etc.

It worked for me.

Thank you for your reply!!! I am following your advice, today was a productive day with the calls, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I live in Sacramento. I am still searching for a wound care cerification program/class. Please if you come across anything let me know. Thanks once again

Found it!! thank you

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