Published Jan 21, 2014
154 Posts
HI everyone! I would like to make a thread for those who applied and are applying for LVN here in California with the permission to the ADMIN, the timeline of LVN application from submitting/mailing the application to receiving the eligibility. Thank you
Date Submitted: November 21, 2013 and still WAITING.
1,882 Posts
It seems that it's about a 8-10 months period from start to finish for IEN's applicants.
So then you guys can self-track it yourselves from the time it's "received" by using the procedure below. Start the time clock from the proof of delivery.
Make sure that you guys mail ALL of your paperwork (even if there's a new mailing due to more requested documents or you missed something in the first packet), request trackable/tracing numbers with the Postal service by using certified mail if possible. The tracking numbers cost extra but saves you the problem of wondering if the documents even got there.
While you may have enclosed a personal check, company check or money order, not having a tracking number makes it worse for the BVNPT to even know if they even got it!
If you don't send your documents via a traceable method, then you only tie up the phone lines while they go digging thru piles and piles of applications, just for your application.
The last thing you want to do to add to their madness is to have go thru a wild goose chase for 15-20-30 minutes and your documents have somehow landed in NY, FL or on the moon. So they can't find it, then you call a day or two or a week later and your documents are still in limbo, with no assurance of delivery. Then, you end up tying up the already swamped and busy phone lines. Now multiple that times 6-8 other callers in that 5-10 minutes on hold (I'm being conservative) trying to get thru their limited phone capacity.
Don't forget that with the hundreds if not thousands of international applicants (yearly) now getting turned down by the CA BRN, it's going to overload the staff at the BVNPT. The staffers are also reviewing the other set of thousands of the CA grads plus the one from out of state. I want to say that the CA applicants is about 10,000 - 11,000 alone based on the CA survey of NCLEX-RN takers on an annual basis, with heaviest load in the summer and winter grads.
Since everyone and their sisters, aunts, cousins, brothers, uncles, etc from the Phils are having to shift their focus to the LVN exam, it makes life easier for you and everyone if you can provide them with proof, that you know it's there (somewhere) and not lost in the mail.
If you have FedEx or UPS or DHL deliver to the physical address only (NOT to the P.O.Box), they will have a similar trackable method by looking on-line to check on the package status.
I went to Sacramento and applied personally, will it make a difference?
Probably not, it's most likely processed by the date received in their offices, be it in person or delivered by mail carriers. There have been a couple who hand delivered as well and probably gets put in the pile that's already in process ahead of you.
There's no distinction is what I think. Otherwise, they will get swamped by others who don't have the quicker access.
Here's an interesting observation and insight by an ex-BVNPT employee, sasyone, on Jan. 10, 2014: (she was responding to someone who wanted to have the BVNPT investigated for their behavior towards the applicants and had some not so nice names to call them)
I see you've mastered the word "lazy". Now,would you like some facts? My friend still works there and I use to work there. Lazy is definitely NOT the word I would use. For the past three years due to the governor cutting the budget (which most Californians love because it helps their pocketbook until it affects them with service, they were cut 43% of their staff. According to my friend, they just got authorization after 3 years to hire back those people.
According to the NCSBN, CA has one of the highest percentages of licensees in the US. You would be surprised how many staff members there were to evaluate new applications and cashier renewals for CA. There were 6 employees Lazy LOL they were putting in 40 hours a month overtime trying to get the work done.
All of the Filipinos who were denied at the RN Board were now applying for the LVN license. The governor doesn't just magically decide to do away with his hiring freeze because the RN Board is denying applicants and they are applying elsewhere. So now, the BVNPT didn't just have all the new LVN graduates, paid experience people but now all the Philippine graduates as well. Same 6 people.
The RN Board and the LVN Board are not the same Board. 80% of applicants who were denied at the RN Board would send in the application page and a photo and then tell me everything else was at the RN Board. Read the instructions. If it tells you the BVNPT needs their own livescan, don't assume they will take one done for the RN Board because they can't.
Renewals-the form says 6-8 weeks. Sending it in 2 weeks before the expiration date is not6-8 weeks. You have 2 years to plan your renewal.
"This is all because of their mantra that "we are a government institution and all the nurses must be coward of us-no matter what"
Can you please cite a name please since you appear to be putting words in mouths of workers. There was NOT one person when I worked there that EVER had that mantra. I think it's in your head.
I think it would be eye opening if you did have someone check into it and then maybe the lazy comments and all other slandering comments might stop. Per my friend, up until 2 months ago there were 10 clericals to evaluate the 2000 new applications, 800 follow up mail, all the cashiering to include the new applications,retakes, license renewals, initial licensing fees,duplicate,verification request; sending out retake packets, sending out results, opening all the mail-date stamp each piece/distribute, answer the 3 receptionist phone lines, change all addresses, correct all ATT problems, send out and then review the CEU audits, review/approve CEU providers, review and add IV/Bloodwork certs onto licenses and the psychiatric technician program to include evaluating, scheduling for exam, process retakes/results, cashier for the psych tech program. Included in the 10 is the fingerprint person who prints out all prints, matches up with files, consults with doj/fbi for rejects.
I just called my friend and she told me during this time, one person was off on medical leave for 3 months which left 9 people. That is a lot of workload for just 9 people. Lazy would be the last word I would use. I think you would be amazed at how much work they did get done working 6 days a week every week for the amount of employees they had.
Pay renewals early/on time online, have your addresses correct, include ALL paperwork when applying. Send documents certified so you know they got them. Don't call two days later asking them if your on piece of mail was received in that bag they just got. It's the same people you want to get your work done that has to stop working to go look for your one piece of mail you sent regular mail.
Did you notice how many phone lines they have to answer the daily calls? Three, that is.
Wonder why their phone lines are always busy?
Guys, it's a waiting game and patience is a virtue as the old saying goes.
231 Posts
I read somewhere that the head of bvnpt freeze
All filipino applicants and concentrate with local applicants.
Before this all happened back in 2011,they respond very fast.
And also just renewed my license last december18,2013 and just
Got my new license.its pretty fast.
I haven't heard about the freeze, but I wouldn't be surprised if they also decided to enforce the same concurrency rules as the CA BRN policies. At least on the CA BVNPT website, it's clearly stated that they do have the requirement of needing clinical and theoretical courses must be done together, which means it can apply to those waiting now.
Maybe the BVNPT are also finding out there's fraudulent documentation and applications now from the Phils., either more discovered or just finding out the CA BRN has already found some and posted in public of some of the guilty parties involved.
8,343 Posts
Steppybay: we had the same problem up here in Alberta back in 2008/09 when our colleges were swamped with applicants from the Philippines. They had to hire extra staff and local nurses had their fees increased to help cover the hiring. Something that did not go over well.
I don't envy those clerical staff their jobs. Some people just think the world revolves around them and their problem
112 Posts
LVN application method #3 applicant here(equivalency) foreign graduate. Bvnpt accepted my app September 20, 2013 and is currently doing 4/11/2013 equivalency applicants.
I read someone posted here that it took only 2 months for him in his LVN application. And one person took her 3 months to get her eligibility
Were these of recent postings? I think this may have been the case several months ago to a year?
Were these of foreign applicants or local CA grads? For the ones with the CA education, they usually get their ATT's in the time frame you mentioned of 1-3 months.