Published Jan 15, 2015
23 members have participated
ms smile
17 Posts
Have u experienced bullying while working as an NP? Do you feel more respected from staff when u became an NP?
I have heard many bullying and less respect among staff RN's . How about in Nurse practitioners?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I have never experience bullying. I've been an APRN for almost 9 yrs.
and....I'm really
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
Neither as a RN or NP. But like traumaRUs I'm mean too, lol. Now without slamming me with "blaming the victim" accusations let me add that I think some of a bullying perception is in the eye of the beholder. As a NP I absolutely have had to set firm limits and boundaries with each job I have started although I think its more about role confusion than true disrespect. My simple strategy is that I don't do anything a MD doesn't do so if you come at me with a blood pressure cuff you will be shown the door.
2 Articles; 5,582 Posts
No bullying here either, but as a guy I probably have it a bit easier. I've had physicians be nasty to me but I have no problem calling them on their BS.
Sent from my iPhone.
2 Posts
Our Medicals would not dare:sarcastic:
brandy1017, ASN, RN
2,893 Posts
My Dr actually takes my BP on each visit, even though the med asst did it already. Not sure if he does this for everyone or if it's because I have high blood pressure. lol
I take every patient's BP a second time.
To each his own. If my pt's readings are unusual my nurse re-takes it for me. :)
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts
I've never experienced any bullying from RNs, MDs, or other APRNs. It kind of shocks me how respectful people are, if I know what I'm doing or sumthin...
6 Posts
I have experienced bullying in several positions as an APRN. What is appalling is that these are RNs who bully. The last position I held, I was the target of a particular night nursing supervisor. In this current position I hold, one night supervisor, one manager, and two bedside nurses bully.
I've resigned to the fact that it happens everywhere. My attendings prefer to look the other way. They wish to avoid any conflict; they don't want to anger me because they don't want me to quit they have no one else to fill my position, which is ironic. Strange, my annual eval two months ago was deemed "excellent".
131 Posts
so if you come at me with a blood pressure cuff you will be shown the door.
Funny, but I have been seen in the clinic and had my BP taken by PA,NP and MD over the past few years. I suffer from white coat syndrome (go figure) so it is always sky high in any office but low at home or work...
As far as bullying?? That is probably more commonplace with the old angry RNs being nasty to the newbies...I have seen it a few times over the years - the issue is some of the old dinosaurs are just unhappy individuals. As an NP.....I have witness one nasty hospitalist ask the referring provider if they were an MD and when he was told the provider was a PA he was a bit nasty and condescending, but the PA was on point and very impressive with her assessment and the MD backed down and retracted his claws in the end.
orangepink, NP
289 Posts
I've experienced bullying as an RN and as an NP. When I was a younger, it used to bother me a lot and had such an impact on my self esteem. I later realized as I got older and had more experience, bullying stems from insecurities.
As an RN, I was bullied by older nurses but I learned that it was mostly because they're just sick and tired of their work. That coupled with the cynicism is bound to manifest on someone else. funny thing was one of the nurses who bullied me started telling people we were best friends when turned NP. Of course I don't rub it in her face but in the back of my mind, I wonder how can she think I'd easily forget all the things she's done to me?!?
ive been bullied by office managers and MAs when I worked in the clinic. Often times I had to stand my ground and stand up for myself. I've been bullied by some ICU nurses and one doctor in the hospital where I work now but it doesn't bother me so much.
Life has a way of making things right. What comes around goes around.