Broward College hopeful for May 2013 Nursing Program

U.S.A. Florida


I know there is a lot of confusion going around with the new requirements for the BC nursing program so I wanted to start a thread for those of us finishing prerequisites and applying in January. I'm in the Core class now, but other than that I'm finished with everything else and getting very excited to start next year!

Any help on what to expect when taking the HESI? I have been doing practice tests for weeks now and I am still uneasy about if these tests are similar and useful.

Any help on what to expect when taking the HESI? I have been doing practice tests for weeks now and I am still uneasy about if these tests are similar and useful.

I used quizlet for studying. The info is pretty much what you can expect on the HESI. I scored in the 90's studying that way.

What are you using as a backpack. Are you using an actual backpack or some sort of rolling bag?

I just thought I would share from a post I ran across. " The 10 Nursing Supplies"

Quote by Sparrow91

[COLOR=#003366]Sparrow91 Apr 4 by [COLOR=#003366]Sparrow91 A member since Jan '13 - from 'Maine'. Sparrow91 has '5' year(s) of nursing experience and specializes in 'LTC'. Posts: 75 Likes: 16


A good college planner (not the cheap ones you get a dollar store!)

high lighters

Pens that you like

Cheap pens for the Bermuda triangle sitting next to you (aka your fellow unprepared student) get use to it, it is a common nursing phenomenon!

pencils that you like

cheap pencils for the Bermuda triangle (same reason as the pens)

several thumb drives for the gremlins that like to hide them like the Easter bunny likes to hide eggs! (Lord knows you wouldn't loose them *looks sheepishly to one side*)

good water bottle (classes can go forever without a break!)

Coffee (again for those classes that go on forever without a break)

XL bladder (to hold all the water and coffee you drank while trying to keep awake in those classes that go on forever without a break!)

I thinks that's funny; however it's not a good look for any nursing student. I think everyone should have atleast 3-5 pens, highlighters, pencils etc. No you can't use them all at once, but if you more than one Bermuda Triangle sitting by you in class. Therefore you made need to have them. LOL :roflmao: For goodness sakes you can get supplies from the dollar store.

I hope everyone is well prepared for class on Monday. Good Luck!!!

How are you guys going about this head to toe assesment assignment? Can anyone tell me what exactly the assignment is?

I am a bit confused since there so many links and pages and they weren't to clear or stated deadlines.

What nursing materials do we need to buy? All I saw was Stethoscope, Bandage Scissors, Penlight. I saw someone mention sphygmomanometer. Was this a part of required materials as well? Any others?

Also kind of confused what is due when. I saw we have to fill out a bunch of forms for the Hospital portion of clinicals, We need to complete 3 assessments on D2L orientaion. Is there anything else I am missing that we need or is due? Besides reading up on lecture/power points before the class =P

I am a bit confused since there so many links and pages and they weren't to clear or stated deadlines.

What nursing materials do we need to buy? All I saw was Stethoscope, Bandage Scissors, Penlight. I saw someone mention sphygmomanometer. Was this a part of required materials as well? Any others?

Also kind of confused what is due when. I saw we have to fill out a bunch of forms for the Hospital portion of clinicals, We need to complete 3 assessments on D2L orientaion. Is there anything else I am missing that we need or is due? Besides reading up on lecture/power points before the class =P

I saw the sphygmomanometer in our clinical outline that has Day 1 Day 2. I believe it was for day 2. Didn't see the D2 L orientation part.

Deivito- I'm waiting until Monday for the head to toe.

I thought day 2 was when we needed all the linen things like towels, wash cloth, twin sheets, pillow case.

Also what were these Modules she spoke of that we didnt buy but could download?

I thought day 2 was when we needed all the linen things like towels, wash cloth, twin sheets, pillow case.

Also what were these Modules she spoke of that we didnt buy but could download?

Dr beck you are at north, I am at south.

Is anyone else nervous but excited for Monday?!?

I hope everyone enjoys their last weekend of freedom!!

If you're a mommy like me, have a wonderful and happy Mother's Day!!!

Does anyone know what the "Evolve Student Life Resources" is for. I have a link and a code on our BC Online and wasn't sure what this was used for.

It is part of the HESI CD's. You can also register your evolve books and it will let you use tools for your book online- guides and stuff. I'm going to wait to make sure it's the correct code for our class for the instructor course, before I enter my codes. You can sign up for an account that is free so is the registering of your books.

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