Brenau Part-time Spring 2014

U.S.A. Georgia


Is anyone else applying for the part-time Spring 2014 term? Any full-time applicants?

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics.

Hey guys! I noticed on the Brenau Nursing Admissions Process page that the information for this cohort is gone and I think are letters are coming soon! Has anybody heard anything else?

I have not heard anything yet, I know there is a pre-nursing meeting at the East Campus on Thursday for anyone that has any question about the school or program. I started Patho today and have a feeling it is going too be intense. Well if I hear anything I will post ASAP.

I have not heard anything yet, I know there is a pre-nursing meeting at the East Campus on Thursday for anyone that has any question about the school or porgram. I started Patho today and have a feeling it is going too be intense. Well if I hear anything I will post ASAP

This is truly driving me nuts. Letters people! Bring us the letters!

I am so excited for you guys. I am currently taking my pre-reqs at Brenau (this semester Art Appreciation and Abnormal Psychology). I won't be able to apply for the PT program until 2015. They are tellinig us that we have to complete all pre-reqs prior to entering Nursing Program and one of the classes is Pathophysiology. From my understanding, it previously could be taken with the nursing classes, but they changed it this year. I hope everyone gets accepted. There is an Open House tomorow with a tour so I am excited to go. Also, you can ask for experiential credit for Medical Terminology if you have any medical background. It's worth a shot if you have any at all. I had a friend who took it and said that it was just as much work as any 3 hr class, so if you can possibly get experiential credit for it, I would try. I got approval by one committee, now it has to go to another one and am supposed to hear something this semester. Has anyone taken the Foreign Language requirement yet?


Thanks for the info on Med Term. I went to a tour once this summer. It was just a tour for me and not any information. If you learn anything specific about the program tonight, I would really appreciate learning what it is. Oh, you asked about Foreign Language. I'm a second degree student, took French many years ago.

Hey! I did break down and call the nursing department yesterday. Unfortunately, didn't get much info. She said that admissions is handling it now. If I don't get a letter by next Tuesday, I plan to call admissions.

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics.

That's crazy! I wonder if we can call the admissions specialist to get some answers?! I am ready to find out!

I believe we are all in the same boat... We just want to know!!

ooooh! Someone call admissions! I'm afraid to call and find out it's not going to be until December until we get letters now.

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics.

Update: I just called admissions and they put the letters in the mail either yesterday or today! We will know by this weekend!

OMG!!! that is soon!!

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