BMCC FALL 2018 Kaplan Entrance Exam

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone!

I'm a pre-nursing student at BMCC. I'm taking my entrance exam May 29th, 2018. I'm so excited that the time us almost here. I have a little over a month to study for the exam.

Who else is studying for this exam?

What are some studying tips you have?

How confident are you that you'll make it into this program?

I study everyday. Different topics and as much as I can. I would say for a tip to just be organized and don't stress out a lot over this exam. I am pretty confident that I'll get into this program. Given the pre-req grades and vera GPA, plus the way I'm studying for this exam and my mindset (positivity).

Will Mr. Sierra leave a msg if we got in if we miss his call??

@RositaLPN of course!!

@grandk my gpa is a 3.67 in the pre reqs. My Gpa in bmcc is 4.0 I'm not really sure if that counts though.

@grandk my gpa is a 3.67 in the pre reqs. My Gpa in bmcc is 4.0 I'm not really sure if that counts though.

I believe it does count. They look at Kaplan, overall gpa and pre req gpa

Yes!! Now we wait for the phone call confirmation :)

Yes!! Now we wait for the phone call confirmation :)

Yep! Can't wait.

Anyone hear any info on the day program acceptance?

I only got a 71 on the Kaplan, these are my grades - Eng 101 B, Psy 100 A-, Mat 104 A, Bio 425 A-. I also got an A- in Bio 426 and an A in microbiology. My cumulative gpa right now is 3.7. Do you guys think Ill get in to the program?

Hey Joe199 I got 70% on the kaplan exam with a 4.0 GPA. I applied for the day program as well but haven't heard anything as yet. Lets just hope for the best.

With that gpa I think youll definetely get in, I wish I couldve got a few points higher on the kaplan.

With that gpa I think youll definetely get in, I wish I couldve got a few points higher on the kaplan.

I'm applying for the day program as well. I scored a 66 on the Kaplan. I'm still bummed about it, but I'm holding onto a bit of hope. My gpa is 3.8. I do not know my pre req GPA but I have A, A, A- and a B+. Let's see what happens!

You passed, according to sierra 65 is passing, so you still have a chance.

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