Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

U.S.A. New York


Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone applied to Beth Israel NYC for this coming Fall? I applied there and I really want to get in. I always wanted to go. If anyone knows if it's hard to get in, or what score they are looking for on the NLN exam that would be rally helpful. And is it true that the only start giving interviews in May????


Thank You Sooo Much for your Support...Question, do you know anyone who applied to College of Mount Sain Vincent and do you know if they are NLN Accreditted?



I just checked the NLNAC website and College of Mount Saint Vincent wasn't listed. Have you finished your liberal arts requirements? If not, I would encourage you to do so this fall and next spring. You'll be more prepared for the science section of the test. Also, since your familiar with the test format, you will have an advantage next year. Good luck !!!


Thanks for the info. I have taken most pre-reqs except A&P 2, ethics and I need to re-take Nutrition. You are right about having an advantage..I was sooo nervous and additionally I did not prepare my self for timing, therfore I ended up guessing on alot trying to just fill in all blanks b4 time was up. I really need to get a copy of my scores so I really know, guess I will have to pay $25 to NLN. Just to get an idea of what sections I need to work on. Thanks Again. I plan on applying to 3 more schools in the process.

Any one else heard anything about College of Saint Mount Vincent?????

or can someone reccommend any other good programs in NYC or close? It will be greatly appreciated..

Nynatv25 - I am so sorry to hear. But definetely keep your head up. Study, study, study and if you apply again next year... do it as early as possible. That is my plan if I don't get in as well. Best of luck:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe


Remember, your A&P I & II must come from the same school.

Nynatv25,sorry to hear that. Glad that you are not letting this discourge you on your journey...atleast, now you have an idea of what the test entails.which gives you an advantage for next time. Good luck,please keep us posted.

:flwrhrts:Happy Mother's Day to all the moms.

Hope your day has been fabulous!:flwrhrts:

Thank You bp2244.

Happy Mother's day!!!!:redbeathe

Thanks Ladies :redbeathe.

Happy Mother's Day Mommies


Hello everyone. I trust you all had a great mother's day weekend. So, today is the big day... the day that the committee met. I actually did call BI today to make sure my address was current and was told my file was in with the committee, so I'd have to call back tomorrow. So, I hope that is a good thing. How is everyone feeling?

Hello everyone. I trust you all had a great mother's day weekend. So, today is the big day... the day that the committee met. I actually did call BI today to make sure my address was current and was told my file was in with the committee, so I'd have to call back tomorrow. So, I hope that is a good thing. How is everyone feeling?

OMG, bp2244 you can not imagine how anxious I am right now. I thought about calling but change my mind in fear of ** **** chewing my head off since I call so often, but I am glad you did.

I guess tomorrow is D-day......Good Luck everyone!!!

Hi everyone,

I hope all the mommies had a great Mother's Day!

Well, we should be knowing something soon.... good luck everyone.

To Nynatv,

I'm so sorry to hear you didn't get in. But as others have posted don't give up.

Keep taking the required classes and if I were you I would try getting the NLN scores from BI (maybe they can fax it to you?), and ask them for the composite score, ad & all percentiles and how many you got correct in each of the sections. That way you will know which sections to work on. I need to work on science, and if I don't make it in this year I'll be trying again next year. Best of luck to you and keep us posted on how you're doing.............

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