Bellevue College hopefuls 2014-2015

U.S.A. Washington


Hey everyone, I didn't see a thread for this yet so I thought I would start one.

Is anyone else applying to BC for Fall 2014/Winter 2015 cohorts? I'm getting nervous with the deadline less than two months away. I did all my pre reqs there and it's my first choice school which probably adds to the nerves a bit. Are any of you finished with the application process yet? I think it's nice that this year, the background check is after the initial application just for the sake of saving money if I didn't score high enough on my TEAS to get in.

AHH. Time to go check my mail. Having mail sent to a new house so I'm making the trek over. Will report back!

Got in for winter!!! I was hoping for fall but I think with my 89.3 I have a chance of getting boosted up later!

Great news, asl, congrats!!!!!!! There is definitely a good chance of getting bumped up. :)

I work until one, and I have to go to my PO Box to check my mail. Urgh. Don't know if I have time! Must make time!

Congrats JustDance and Asl!!! Ahh I'm excited to check my mail now! Unfortunately I'm stuck at the UW until 4 and can't go back to my parent's house to check until afterward :'( but i'm feeling hopeful tho! Especially since JustDance and i got the same TEAS score :D

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I got my letter FINALLY!!! In for Fall!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!


I am so happy for you, justdance! I'm so happy for you that there's no room to be anxious for me, and that's a great gift. Also, it's nice to know that we'll all know where we stand soon.

(Crossing my fingers for everyone in our little group.)

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Got in for winter!!! I was hoping for fall but I think with my 89.3 I have a chance of getting boosted up later!

asl2204, you're IN! You're IN! That's all that matters, what's one quarter in the big scheme of things? I am very, very happy for you. Was it worth the wait? Hope so.

Today of all days my mailman is an hour late...

I checked my mailbox at 10:30 but I had to go to work so its waiting for me at home right now. I have to wait till 7 though grr. My heart was beating so fast when I saw it in the mailbox!! Ahhh!!!

I'm in, winter cohort! 85.3 on the TEAS

asl2204 and jaycam,

Congratulations!!!!!! Awesome! :) I'm still waiting on my mail. :(

Specializes in None yet..

I'm not a screamer, but I shrieked. Didn't realize how truly tense I was until I saw the words. I'm in for Fall 2014!


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