Believe in Yourself!

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    Editorial Team / Admin

    Joe V

    7 Articles; 2,555 Posts

Specializes in Programming / Strategist for allnurses.


Yes, you can. YOU can make a difference.

Believe in Yourself!

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Believe in yourself, because no one else will.

Specializes in ONC, Med-Surg, Outpatient.

Nurses make a difference in someone's life every day. :hug:

Specializes in Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR.

We are the heart of the matter

Specializes in psych, general, emerg, mash.

Agreed! With both. You can make a difference but like most false hope advertising, don't hold your breathe.

Do what you can do, but don't expect others to follow.

I live in the desert. Sometimes the rainy season comes and we get know rain. I find that so depressing. The other day I was outside and one drop of rain fell. Just one drop at first. It gave me hope, I brought my daughter outside and we waited, and then the sky opened and the rain came down hard! We danced and splashed in the puddles.

When you believe in yourself you are like the first drop of rain! you give hope. That is the heart of nursing! believe!

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