Hi I am one of those pre-nursing students in Colorado. I finished all the pre-requsits. As you know, there are some changes how to get in to the nursing program here in Colorado. (Have you heard of it ? If not, you need to contact your nursing department.. I have heard this from other students and called my nursing department the other day)
Now we need to compete with other people based on GPA, Previous degree, CNA certification, TEAS test..goes on.. they are putting all the points together and higer points get in first. However, the waiting list will be still there!:angryfire I was a litte upset because that means, we can't apply other school and if there are "higer points" students, you are just stuck. yes, they will send you letter saying "you are not accepted this semester" (that's what I understood) Even thou I think it is a good idea to accept smart students and make them comepete all that.. but WHY DO THEY STILL HAVE WAITING LIST? I guess I am the only one who is mad haha...