BCIT nursing applicant August 2016 intake

World Canada CA Programs


Hello AN community! Can you please relieve my stress about having a chance to get in to BCIT? what gpa do I need? I admit I am not the perfect straight A student but I have work and volunteer experience so I am hoping my experience will support my acceptance - is that naive?

Has anyone heard anything?! I am losing my mind!

Do any of you know if we should upgrade our final marks if we have received them?

You could always email them and ask! I feel like there was probably a deadline for that. If they've reviewed everyone already I have a hard time believing that they would keep going back with peoples new marks. Its worth a try tho!

Haven't heard anything yet. I've been checking about every 10 minutes even though I know it will probably still be another week at least before any word. I'm surprised to hear there were only 320 applicants as in previous years there were upwards of 700!

An advisor said it doesn't hurt to upload them, but she isn't sure if they will still look at them or not.

I spoke with someone today and she stated that they have already compiled a list of people who were not successful. These applicants either have already been notified or will be notified shortly. SO either all of us on here are getting seats or being waitlisted or they haven't sent the rejection letters out yet. I realize this information is not very useful lol Just thought I would share.

I asked about my questionnaire today and was informed that I'm on the hold-list. They will send out offers next week to those whom are accepted and they will rank everyone on the hold-list. Anyone ever been put on hold before?

Is the hold list like the wait list? And who did you speak to and how haha I called and she wouldn't tell me anything about my status just that it was still pending department review :nailbiting:

Who are you girls talking to? Could you provide the number you use, or are you using the regular admissions number?

That's good news, at least we know we will be finding out soon :) thanks for sharing

Just through emailing nursing advising. There's no point now, as it's the weekend and we should probably hear back next week anyways.

Hold list is for those next in line in case someone doesn't pay their commitment fee. From reading other forums though it seems like they may put 72 applicants on hold, which seems like a lot. I don't know. I'm so stressedí ½í¸–

I haven't heard anything! Ahh the waiting is making me crazy lol. Checking 5+ times a day probably isn't healthy

Fingers crossed that we find out this week!!!:nailbiting:

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