BCIT January 2021

World Canada CA Programs


Hello, I am wondering if anyone else is applying for BCIT’s January 2021 intake? I thought I would start this thread so we could share our progress through the application process. Good luck!

My deadline to pay the commitment fee said Nov 16.

Created a new page for those who will be applying for the next intake !

Hi guys, would it be more expensive to take LIBS as part time studies prior to starting the program (ie. Jan-Mar 2021)??? Or would it be the same price when included in the nursing program?


On 11/30/2020 at 2:49 AM, lemon_1 said:

Hi guys, would it be more expensive to take LIBS as part time studies prior to starting the program (ie. Jan-Mar 2021)??? Or would it be the same price when included in the nursing program?


I believe it's the same price. You have to register your self through Part-Time Studies even when in the program as 'LIBS 7001/7002 & LIBS 7021' are separate required courses, which are not included when they register you in the Nursing courses. 

Hi guys! I'm actually applying to Sept 2021 but am wondering about the non-cognitive questionnaire! I've heard that you can pre-write answers for the noncognitive questionnaire and can copy and past these paragraphs into the questionnaire when you're actually writing it. Can anyone confirm this? Thank you ? Any other tips would be appreciated as well!!

We didn’t have to do one for this intake.. not sure what it entails


Was it only the Casper and the additional application that you guys had to do?

Hi all! Filling out my application for Sept 2021 and had a few questions, wondering if anyone can help out?

1. The nursing program requires "Two years of full-time education in English in an English speaking country". When filling out the application form, would the following information be appropriate to provide to indicate how I meet this requirement?

"I attended x Secondary school for 5 years, achieving 94% in English 12. I completed my BSc Biology at x school in 5.5 years. Both schools are in Canada and instruction was in English."

2. I was unable to upload my Mandatory Applicant Questionnaire because it is over the 2 MB limit.  I am wondering if in this case it might be appropriate to print and scan a copy of the filled-in form with my typed answers, to ensure it meets the file size requirements. Did anyone else do this?

Many thanks!

Also, for those who already submitted, did you choose the document type as "forms" for the Mandatory Applicant Questionnaire?

6 minutes ago, mc34 said:

Also, for those who already submitted, did you choose the document type as "forms" for the Mandatory Applicant Questionnaire?

I did other

Hey group, unfortunately I have made the difficult decision to give up my seat in the BCIT April 2021 intake. The good news is that someone off the wait list will soon be very happy! Good luck everyone! (I am still doing a BSN but have decided to attend UBC Okanagan, so hopefully I’ll still get to work with some of you in the years to come!)

oh Wow! Thanks for sharing the news with the group! I was in a same situation with you in the last October.  I decided to choose BCIT over VIU instead. After finishing the first term of BSN program at VIU, I dropped out of the program. I will be starting all over again LOL I totally feel that was very difficult decision. How are the courses going in UBC Okanagan? The first term at VIU was online only and I heard that there are in person classes once a month for the second term. All the best and good luck for your  educational journey at UBC Okanagan!



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