BCIT January 2017

World Canada CA Programs


Just wanted to start a group for students applying for the BCIT January program!

Hi Ubcpshychkid,

An A average is clearly converts into 85% and higher or around 4.0 on the 4.0( might be also 4.3) grade point, which means EXCELLENT)))) and very competitive for sure. I have also 4.0 gpa, bachelor, some volunteering(75h), but not much. And I have two kids, 2 and 4 years old! So I know how insane it sounds like))) they would yell, and stomp, and jump and tear all my books))

Oh Man,

It seems like almost everyone has a 4.0 GPA... I guess my application wasn't as strong as I was hoping :S Ugh... the waiting is making me so nervous. I really wish I could have pulled an A or A- in my anatomy course... I ended up with a B+ due to some family issues that popped up right before my final but I was so close to getting an A- ... I have an A or above in all of my other university pre-reqs though. I'm not really sure how to strengthen my application though (aside from more volunteer hours). I can't really afford to retake any of my classes to get higher grades and even then I don't know if I'd be able to pull any higher than a 94% in them :S.

Did everyone attach volunteer letters/references in their application? I only spoke of these in my cognitive questionnaire. The application didn't ask for it so I didn't attach them. After reading all your messages, I wish I did. :(

Has anyone asked if it's okay to attach more to your application? I spoke about volunteer/awards, but I didn't back them up with a PDF file and now I'm really kicking myself in the butt for it.

Hi fifi06,

The same thing -I told in the questionary, but didn't attach any volunteer reference as the application steps didn't require it.

I believe, that's a simple logic, that if you weren't volunteering, you wouldn't claim that experience, and any references are typically needed only if you've been shortlisted or if the Department asks. At list this way it has happened in ubc.

It would be way too weird, that we were reduced in points just because of no volunteering reference which anyone can get from the volunteer supervisor.

I actually added some after I applied but before the deadline... Hopefully that is ok. More just because I'm paranoid... I'm sure it's fine with out them though

I emailed the department regarding my work experience that began after I applied and they allowed me to email the information (where I was working, type of duties included and how long I'd been working there for) and said they applied the information to my file :)

Nice! I'm so glad that they let you add it :)

Has anyone received an email inviting them to fill out the questionnaire yet? I'm eager!

Not yet :( every time I get a new email my heart leaps and I feel like I'm going to throw up... and then it'll be spam lol

This wait is excruciating.

The anxiety that all this waiting is causing oh my.... I think we should here around September 27 if we got short listed, that was the time for the previous 2016 intake! I wish everyone all the luck in the world! :)

Does anyone know how many applicants there are and how many seats they are filling? So nervous!

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