Published May 3, 2009
16 Posts
Hi everyone! I am thinking of undergoing the 3-day basic ECG course of Heart Foundation. the course costs P3000. Is it worth taking or I should save my money for other trainings instead? I need your opinions regarding this since it costs much. Thank you!
bettyboop09, LPN, LVN, RN
150 Posts
Regardless of the fee, it is pre-requisite if you want to have ACLS that most hospitals require their applicants to have nowadays before they will accept your application. Even if you're not going to have ACLS in the future, it is somehow helpful for you especially when you have your exam in hospitals, and just by simply knowing that you have an idea for ECG interpretation, it's always an advantage in some ways so for me it's worth it. good luck.
thank you for the reply! so for new nurses like me, let's take all the necessary trainings possible. It may be an edge to other job seekers.
278 Posts
blueblink,, I will going to enroll also in Heart' Foundation Basic ECG Course as well as the ACLS this coming May 8. It's a pre-requisite for ACLS.. though it's very costly but we have to risk.. anyway have you tried CCNAPI? they are also offering ECG, ACLS and BLS... But the next batch would be on June.. It's far way too long to wait since we really need to have those trainings for us to be qualified whenever we apply to any hospitals...That's my opinion and it's still your choice whether to take it or not.. Good luck to us...
49 Posts
Hi! I've already took the ECG and ACLS courses in Heart Center.. & I'm telling you, it's all worth it, even with that kind of fee.. You can really be able to identify and interpret an ECG reading after attending that seminar.. It will be an advantage for us who are able to interpret an ECG reading, as compared to those who can't.. During the seminar, you'll be having sets of workshops where you are given the chance to identify ECG strips.. The lecturers are all cardiologists so you will really learn a lot.. The venue was good plus with the complete set of manuals..
ACLS, on the other hand, was great.. You'll be having different sets of practice codes on how to revive a deteriorating patient.. The problem with this training is that you must be able to pass the final code or else you will not be certified as an ACLS provider, thus you will only receive a certificate.. But you can attend the next batch of ACLS training and have the final code again in order for you to be certified..
Pursue the trainings! You will not regret it! :)
149 Posts
Hi Eosinophil and all,
If your planning to enrol for the ECG Course at the HEART Foundation..go on...I should say that their training is excellent. Your decision in choosing HEART Foundation is right. Im an Alumnae of HEART Foundation, i was a trainee then for their Cardio-Renal Nurse Training. Superb Training....Go for gold. if you need help in registration dont hesitate to contact me im very willing to help...
Guess that I have to study again for me to pass the their final exam... My friend told me that exam was very pretty hard.. :banghead:... hahaha.. Go go go!! thanks Eisinophil!!!
i'll just take the cardiorenal training since it includes ecg, bls and acls.. Would there be pretests before the training starts?
No pretest actually, but if your interested better go to HEART as soon as you can, the training for batch 7 will commence on June 8 and next batch would start mid july..better hurry and grab a slot for you. ive talk to raissa and faitma the training coordinator, the interested participants for the training is gowing and their limiting the number of participants per batch. so hurry
Yeah... I'll be going to Heart's Foundation tomorrow... better be on early..haha..thanks nurseharbee..
Hey guys.. if your planning to enroll for the ECG and ACLS training in Heart's Foundation..make it sure that you'll be there early!! Most probably by 6 kidding ... when I went there by 7:30 AM the list has just gotten long...they are only accepting till number 60...and the bad part of my journey? I was not that fortunate enough to be part of the first 60 persons.. luckily I stayed there till 12 noon so by that time there are still slots available due to absent participants.. guess that they went home instead of waiting that long...The next bacth would be on JUne 3..... But I'm happy coz I got the slot to attend the ECG reading a well as the ACLS this coming 2nd week of May.. Thanks Lord!!
13 Posts
hi,,can anyone tell me the requirements to have this training.?tnx...